ignorant {bliss}

A friend once asked, “Don’t you just want to trust [a professional] sometimes?” She lives in deep trust of allopathic medicine. One of her babies ran a fever at 3 days old and the doctor told her the baby would be fine, no explanation. When I questioned giving a newborn Hep B at birth, she defended the vax by saying it’s possible they want to protect everyone, because you never know [who might get overlooked]. Cognitive dissonance is complicated.
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Pfizer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies, grew by purchasing a handful of its competitors and through aggressive marketing [a practice it pioneered back in the 1950s by purchasing unprecedented advertising spreads in medical journals].
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The public should have ZERO trust in such regulatory agencies – they make recommendations because they are easy and convenient [for their pockets], NOT because children need them.
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The companies making childhood vaccines are also pHARMaceutical companies that have been punished, both criminally and civilly, in FEDERAL court for wrongdoing, unethical behavior, falsely misleading claims, injuring and endangering the public, and hiding product safety. This is not just unique to Pfizer. This is happening across the board. -Melissa
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If this was a medication and the FDA came across new research that showed a medication was 4% effective they would probably take it off the market. -Dr. Sears
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We should be looking at where the vaccines are coming from and the integrity of the company, especially when faced with mandates and laws?
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While I would love to blindly trust, our children cannot afford for us to live in ignorant bliss. And I have [several] reasons to question…

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The Vaccine Conversation with Melissa & Dr. Bob [podcast]

Dear Pregnant Mom…

Please do not let any white coat intimidate you into a decision you are not ready to make. Research! This was put together by Marcella Piper-Terry. Share with all the pregnant mamas! And print it to bring to your next appointment.
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There are two formulations of TDap licensed in the U.S.: Adacel and Boostrix. NEITHER has been tested on pregnant women, and there have been NO long-term follow-ups on the development of infants and children whose mothers received TDap during pregnancy. See section 8.1 about use in pregnancy. TDap vaccine is a Pregnancy Category C drug, and should only be given to pregnant women when there is a clear need. Note: The Boostrix insert says it’s Category B, but then goes on to state there have not been adequate studies in pregnant women and Boostrix should only be given to pregnant women when there is a clear need.
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Section 11 is where you can find the information on ingredients. Adacel has 1,500 micrograms (1.5 mg.) of aluminum phosphate (330 micrograms aluminum), plus formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, and 2-phenoxyethanol. Some of the ingredients are known to be carcinogenic. Section 13.1 says: Adacel has NOT been studied for carcinogenic or mutagenic effects, or for impairment of fertility.
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Adacel Manufacturer’s Insert from Sanofi Pasteur:
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Boostrix contains </= 390 micrograms aluminum, </= 100 micrograms formaldehyde and </= 100 mcg Polysorbate 80. In 2016, the American College of Pediatricians released a statement of concern about Gardasil causing premature ovarian failure because each dose contains 50 mcg Polysorbate 80. (Vitamin K injection contains 200 times that amount, with 10 mg. Polysorbate 80.) Polysorbate 80 is used in cancer drug trials as a delivery system to get medications into the brain because Polysorbate 80 opens up the junctions of the blood brain barrier. That is NOT a good thing for developing infants and children because it also allows toxins, viruses, and bacteria to gain access to the Central Nervous System – where they are not supposed to be.

Boostrix Manufacturer’s Insert from Glaxo-Smith-Kline:
See the same sections: 8.1, 11, and 13.1
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I am also including Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ article on Vitamin C treatment for whooping cough. Hoping this will help you to feel less fearful about your decision… http://drsuzanne.net/2015/04/the-vitamin-c-treatment-of-whooping-cough-suzanne-humphries-md/
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Here are some testimonials from parents who have used the Vitamin C treatment for whooping cough: http://drsuzanne.net/suzanne-humphries-md-testimonials/
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Listen to your gut and don’t go against your intuition. (Based on most of my posts, I’m sure you can figure out where I land on this.)




What are we doing to our children’s health?


Vaccines don’t cause autism.” Dr. Baldwin, a pediatrician, said it – so it MUST be true, right? WRONG! You can TikTok all the day long, gaslighting parents. You can hijack links [with autism evidence] to p0rÑ. [True story. No, I will not share the link.] However… SOON, you will NOT be able to ignore the obvious.

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There will be more training needed to accommodate special needs. There will be more padded rooms for minors on the spectrum for ill-prepared teachers. AND there will be droves of parents speaking out online, as they are suddenly home-bound caring for special needs children.

Do vaccines cause autism? You tell me. —Read the research— not Snopes. Look at the aluminum and MMR correlations. Talk to Hannah Poling’s parents, @tannersdad@pollytommey… and the thousands who suffer in silence.
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The first time aluminum was added to a childhood vax was 1932. Up until that point, aluminum had never been injected into children. And autism had never been reported. Within a year of children getting that aluminum-containing vax, the first cases of what we now call autism began to appear
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There is no disease on the planet I fear more than the effects of injected aluminum.
-Forrest Maready
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Vaccines DO cause the underlying physical conditions that result in neurological damage, immune system disorders, gastrointestinal damage, and yeast overgrowth – all of which combined, produce the behavioral symptoms that result in an “autism” diagnosis. I know…

It’s all coincidence, right?

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{TRUE} informed consent

Why is it that every single medication is KNOWN to have side effects, yet we DENY that vaccines have side effects?
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Were you shown/given/read a VIS (Vaccine Information Statement) at your child’s appointment?  https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/current-vis.html
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According to the NCVIA, it is required that your doctor use a VIS, making you aware of the “benefits” and risks PRIOR to each vax.  Statements are “written at a 10th grade reading level” — as a courtesy for those of us without a PhD, I’m sure. I digress…

Each “informed consent” story I hear or read seems the same.  Doctors believe benefits outweigh any risk. If your child is injured, your doctor may refuse treatment for pointing to the biological weapon that caused said injury… and you will be laughed out the door.

We’ve gone from 12.8% chronic illness in the 1980s when our children got 11 vaccines to now 54% of our children with chronic illness now that we get 54 vaccines. -Del Bigtree
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Were you informed that the synthetic Vit K jab comes with a black box warning? Were you informed that SIDS and autism are listed on the DTaP insert?

How can an uninformed doctor (unaware of ingredients and potential adverse effects) give TRUE informed consent?

Ignorance may be (temporary) bliss, but knowledge is power. If you haven’t begun the rabbit hole of research, this is your invitation. We can’t afford to blindly trust. When the blind lead the blind, injury is sure to follow.
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How “informed” were you?

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Sources: CDC, NVIC

alarm clock

California & New York were sadly the alarm clock that sounded a HUGE WAKE UP call to the masses. There’s no time for hitting snooze on this one.
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Love ALWAYS protects. Always trusts. Always hopes. Always perseveres. Love NEVER FAILS.
1 Cor. 13:7-8
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RFK Jr’s NJ State House speech, Jan. 6, 2020 – a reminder of WHY we are in the fight…
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“The four companies that produce all 72 vaccines that are mandated for American children, every one of them is a convicted felon. Since 2009, those four companies collectively have paid $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties and damages and fines for defrauding regulators, for falsifying science, for bribing doctors, for lying to the public, and for killing lots and lots of people.
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Vioxx, a drug made by Merck, they knew it would cause heart attacks. They sold it as a headache pill. They didn’t tell people, you won’t have a headache, but you might have a heart attack. Of course, if they had, not too many people would have bought it.
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So, they decided to keep it a secret. They killed a hundred and twenty thousand people minimum, probably five hundred thousand people. So I said to Adam Schiff, ‘What kind of cognitive dissonance does it require, to believe that this company, which is lying and cheating and killing with every other pharmaceutical product it makes, has found Jesus when it comes to vaccines?’ Everybody knows you can’t sue a vaccine company. That’s why we had this gold rush explosion of vaccines beginning in 1989.”
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Many do not believe vaccines harm children because the mere thought of it is so unthinkable. It requires a level of critical thinking and a loss of status & income, making most unwilling to step out of line. Those who have ears, let them hear.
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Stay vigilant, my friends. The more of us that rise up, the easier this yoke will be. The alarm clock is ringing.

Do you hear it?


forsaking God for the sake of {science}

This is a tough one. I started this post in my notes weeks go. I’ll warn you. It’s heart-heavy. And I’m thankful many of you are finding your voice! Because we cannot afford to turn a blind eye.
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Do you recognize these statements? “It was only 2 abortions a long time ago!” “They were going to be aborted anyway!” “Well, at least we don’t have polio!” or “That’s not true.”
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But was it “only” 2 babies? Were they REALLY going to be aborted anyway? How I WISH all of this were NOT true! It’s a shameful era that many, even the church, refuse to acknowledge.

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In 1910, with Laughlin as director in the newly formed Eugenics Record Office, they sought to weed out the undesirables in society. Guess who it was funded by?? The Harriman and Rockefeller families and the Carnegie Institute. SHOCKER, right? Abortion was already legal and acceptable if it meant ending the life of a child who would be born to a “feeble-minded” woman –  one who might end up less than perfect or who might have to rely on society to pay for their care, including unwed mothers. It should be noted that Laughlin rubbed elbows with Margaret Sanger, Foster Kennedy, and… Hitler. The U.S. set up the sterilization prototype for other nations. Awesome.
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As early as 1936, forced abortions were legal and performed under the U.S. “Model Eugenic Sterilization Law” of 1922 and used in polio research. Forced abortion and sterilization (ethnic cleansing) continued into the early 1970s. And… if it worked for polio, why not rubella, etc.? For more on the eugenics rabbit hole, start with: https://cogforlife.org/2012/06/13/polioperversion/
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Human embryos of two and one-half to five months gestation were obtained from the gynecological department of the Toronto General Hospital…NO macerated specimens were used and in many of the embryos the heart was STILL BEATING at the time of receipt in the virus laboratory. -Drs. Thicke, Duncan, Rhodes
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My heart canNOT even fathom this kind of evil. Listed as ingredients, we’ve reduced these precious babies to mere letters and numbers, but God has already given them a name.

RA273: Rubella Virus used in Rubella and MMR vaccines
R=Rubella, A=Abortion, 27=27th aborted baby, 3=3rd Tissue where virus was isolated
*67 abortions to produce rubella virus plus 32 abortions to produce the cell line for cultivation means there was a total of at least 99 elective abortions to create the rubella vaccine alone.
WI-38:  Wistar Institute, Specimen No. 38, 32nd Abortion (female)
WI-26:  Wistar Institute, Specimen No. 26, 20th Abortion (male)
WI-44:  Wistar Institute, Specimen No. 44, 38th Abortion (female)
MRC-5:  Medical Research Council, Abortion No. 5 (male)
HEK-293: Human Embryonic Kidney, Specimen No. 293
IMR-90:  Abortion in US; Coriell Cell Repository (female)
IMR-91:  Abortion in US; Coriell Cell Repository (male)
Lambda.hE1: Abortion in US for “psychosocial indications
PER C6:  Abortion in Netherlands
WALVAX2:  Abortion in China, 9th Abortion (female)

Did you know that you can buy human cells online? It’s big money. Forsaking God for the sake of science. I don’t believe God had this in mind as an exception to the rule, when He commanded us not to kill. The church doesn’t speak for me. I stand before God alone.

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(Ep. 81: Which Vaccines Contain Human Fetal Components?)

Lord, help us…


baby picture credit: @katieeterry

{ALL} voices are needed

Where there’s risk, there must be abundant information.
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Delaying the schedule just means you haven’t decided. And didn’t do enough research on reactions and injuries. Research more – the {real} science, the history. See my RESOURCES page.
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The amount of sick kids are FAR exceeding the amount of healthy kids. It should NOT be our normal. Are we redefining the word “normal” just as we’ve redefined polio? The argument that pro vaxxers use, but [surprise!] polio still exists today – it has simply been reclassified and renamed.
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Babies are not supposed to incessantly bang their heads. Babies are not supposed to be allergic to everything! Babies are not supposed to have ear infections! And healthy babies don’t just die!
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Shaky voices are needed so much; it doesn’t matter how much confidence you have. Confidence CAN help get the attention of the opposing person but shaky voices are also IMPORTANT. EVERY single voice is needed, especially when it comes to advocating for our children. There is no voice too quiet. There is no voice that shakes too much. There is no voice that doesn’t know enough. None of us know every piece to this puzzle. BUT we can still speak, advocate, and fight for these babies. Without US… they have nobody.
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We need to humanize the term “anti-vaxxers.” Show faces and don’t be afraid to share the emotion that drives the need for transparency when there’s so much at risk.
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The more people step forward, the more people see that we ARE NORMAL, not vicious people sitting behind computers trying to hurt people.
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Start with what you know. If you don’t know, you can find out. If we all waited until we knew everything to start [speaking out], none of us would ever take that first step.
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We speak for Pete. For Billy, Evee, Nicholas, Colton, Zedikiah, Gemma, Sophia, Abbey, Nathan, Haleigh, Jayce, Aviana, Haylee, Gunner, Kaylynne, Arabella, Jhanella, Bransynn… and COUNTLESS other families, who have been injured, bullied, gaslighted, and shamed. NO MORE!

The Voiceless Podcast


“effective persuasion”

Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.
-Ezra Benson
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If the allopathic medical community were honest, they would admit (as a handful have) that they do NOT know HOW vaccines affect the immune system.
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They DO seem to believe that vaccines are “safe and effective” – but cannot tell us WHY. They DO know the schedule – but do NOT seem to realize the CDC schedule has NEVER been tested as it stands – NOR against an inert double blind placebo in clinical trials.
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So what ARE med students learning, you ask? Great question. Did you know that they probably spend more time on persuasion tactics than they do the REAL science behind vaccines??  Mind-blowing, right?!
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Read excerpts from medical school’s “Effective Persuasion Without Confrontation” propaganda, compliments of Kaiser, complete with a script!

If you are ever on the fence about firing your your doctor – or simply saying NO, please keep this in mind. A GREAT doctor will admit that science is NOT settled and will continue to research beyond pHARMa school. Read that again.
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When harm is encapsulated by health propaganda, it is akin to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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Stay alert, my friends.


empathy vaccine??

When family and friends argue and belittle, it’s hard. The backlash of cognitive dissonance, when you’re one of the first ones planting seeds of doubt in a life-long belief, can be downright ugly. Without ever reading a full vax insert, they have established vaccination as savior – at the expense of relationship.
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I’ve read your messages. God sees your tears, my friends. Nothing is wasted. If your warnings fall on deaf ears, simply plant the seed, change the subject, and give it to God. “Let anyone who has ears… listen.” Not all are ready to hear.
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But for those who WILL listen, please be encouraged. NOW is the time to find your voice. If you’ve been too shy to speak up, start with silent advocacy (planting literature everywhere you shop). You’ve got this!
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To help with those difficult conversations, maybe the CDC will help market the new EMPATHY VACCINE I’ve been working on, causing loved ones to respond with grace.  Ingredients and adverse reactions below… So healthy, no testing is needed! No babies, pregnant mamas, or animals harmed in the making or distribution!

God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile. – Max Lucado
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The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me,’ or ‘Help me.’” –Billy Graham
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If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things.  It is we, of course, to whom things look ‘little’ or ‘big’.”–Elisabeth Elliot