liability {free}

According to the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, formaldehyde causes cancer. They KNOW this, yet it is INJECTED via vaccines, bypassing our God-given immune systems.

Read section 13.1 in vaccine inserts – “has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility.” Yet, they are liability free!

Seems safe. I’m sure it’s there because they care. (note sarcasm)


CDC excipient list
American Cancer Society
National Cancer Institute


Vaccines don’t cause autism.” Dr. Baldwin, a pediatrician, said it – so it MUST be true, right? WRONG! You can TikTok all the day long, gaslighting parents. You can hijack links [with autism evidence] to p0rÑ. [True story. No, I will not share the link.] However… SOON, you will NOT be able to ignore the obvious.

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There will be more training needed to accommodate special needs. There will be more padded rooms for minors on the spectrum for ill-prepared teachers. AND there will be droves of parents speaking out online, as they are suddenly home-bound caring for special needs children.

Do vaccines cause autism? You tell me. —Read the research— not Snopes. Look at the aluminum and MMR correlations. Talk to Hannah Poling’s parents, @tannersdad@pollytommey… and the thousands who suffer in silence.
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The first time aluminum was added to a childhood vax was 1932. Up until that point, aluminum had never been injected into children. And autism had never been reported. Within a year of children getting that aluminum-containing vax, the first cases of what we now call autism began to appear
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There is no disease on the planet I fear more than the effects of injected aluminum.
-Forrest Maready
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Vaccines DO cause the underlying physical conditions that result in neurological damage, immune system disorders, gastrointestinal damage, and yeast overgrowth – all of which combined, produce the behavioral symptoms that result in an “autism” diagnosis. I know…

It’s all coincidence, right?

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We checked. Trust us.


All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. -Bernard Shaw
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You’ve probably heard by now. The updated 2019 CDC vaccine excipient list removed WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts from the “contains” column, where it was previously, 2018 (and back), implying it has been removed.

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If removed, where are the clinical studies, the records, the information, which support the removal of WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts from the vaccines (ex. MMR II and MMR Proquad)?
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Have new studies been done to support the safety of the removal and function of said vaccines? If not removed, WHY were the WI38 fibroblasts taken off the excipient list?⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
The CDC searched through their records and came up with nothing regarding studies of removal of the WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts.


The National Center for Immunization & Respiratory Diseases and The Immunization Safety Office searched through their records and came up with nothing.

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Are you shocked? Why do you think they are editing some of the most talked about information?

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vaccination is {not} immunization


Vaccination is not immunization.
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Did you know that immunization has nothing to do with vaccination? We immunize ourselves through natural exposure to viruses all around us, building lifelong antibodies. God, our creator, designed a rather robust immune system – immunization without vaccination. When building immunity, gut health is a great place to start.
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Vaccination, a man-made toxic brew of aborted fetal cells, dog kidney, aluminum, polysorbate 80 & 20, calf serum, egg components, etc., cripples the immune system, making us vulnerable to other infections. Injection, an unnatural pathway, may give short-term, artificial antibodies, but at what cost? MS, eczema, seizures, encephalitis, transverse myelitis, otitis media, diabetes 1, asthma, food allergies, leukemia, ADD, ADHD, autism… and even death.
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Did you get flu shots in previous years? That means your immune system is less able to defend you against flu this year.
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…participants who were previously vaccinated mounted a significantly less robust (immune) response when compared with those who were unvaccinated. …participants that were previously vaccinated, (antibody) titers were significantly less robust after vaccination… which indicated that an influenza vaccination in the previous season diminished the vaccine-induced antibody response in the following year…”
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When I visited our new family doctor 2 yrs ago, his first questions were: How is the stress in your life? Are you eliminating? How is your marriage? Do you know your vitamin D levels? Are you sleeping at night?
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There was no mention of being current on vaccines. Even though his little government run clinic was covered in vax advertising, he personally calls them “trash.”
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If we care for our immune systems, our immune systems will care for us. We can start by avoiding vaccination. Amen?!
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What do you do to maintain your family’s immune systems?  Especially during “less-sunlight-high-sugar-intake-season” – err, I mean “flu season.

