vaxxed vs {un}vaxxed study

I FOUND IT!! I found the (Dr. Paul Thomas) study! It was a series of clicks and if you paid me, I probably couldn’t do it again. Ha!

Click to download the pdf file:

Or if you prefer the link:
Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination

And… Pubmed!

Here are a few highlights from the study regarding Dr. :

“Cumulative office visits in the vaccinated (orange) vs. unvaccinated (blue) patients born into the practice…”

“The implications of these results for the net public health effects of whole-population vaccination and with respect for informed consent on human health are compelling.”

“The data shown are for the Relative Incidence of Office Visits (RIOVs) to average incidence ratio of billed office visits related to fever in the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated (OVV/OVUV) conditions and for “Well Child” visit on the right.”
“We can conclude that the unvaccinated children in this practice are not, overall, less healthy than the vaccinated and that indeed the vaccinated children appear to be significantly less healthy than the unvaccinated…”

“Further research involving larger, independent samples is needed to verify and understand these unexpected findings in order to optimize the impact of vaccines on children’s health.”

“Unintended and nonspecific consequences of vaccination, such as increased risk of chronic health conditions from vaccine exposures, must also be examined…”


“This research was funded by donations from the public to
The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge…

None of the donors had any input into the scope or design of the study or the decision to publish. IPAK is a not-for-profit research organization.”

“effective persuasion”

Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.
-Ezra Benson
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If the allopathic medical community were honest, they would admit (as a handful have) that they do NOT know HOW vaccines affect the immune system.
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They DO seem to believe that vaccines are “safe and effective” – but cannot tell us WHY. They DO know the schedule – but do NOT seem to realize the CDC schedule has NEVER been tested as it stands – NOR against an inert double blind placebo in clinical trials.
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So what ARE med students learning, you ask? Great question. Did you know that they probably spend more time on persuasion tactics than they do the REAL science behind vaccines??  Mind-blowing, right?!
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Read excerpts from medical school’s “Effective Persuasion Without Confrontation” propaganda, compliments of Kaiser, complete with a script!

If you are ever on the fence about firing your your doctor – or simply saying NO, please keep this in mind. A GREAT doctor will admit that science is NOT settled and will continue to research beyond pHARMa school. Read that again.
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When harm is encapsulated by health propaganda, it is akin to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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Stay alert, my friends.


wellness visits are vax visits

I don’t know who needs to hear this today… but it’s okay to cancel that pediatrician’s appointment.
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I seem to repeat this recommendation the most, reassuring new parents. Am I implying that we shouldn’t seek quality professionals when it comes to treating illness beyond our knowledge base, ailments which require urgent care, or simply making sure everything is okay?
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Absolutely not.
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I am simply implying that when your parental instincts are telling you to question that next pediatrician’s appointment because you are concerned that vaccines will be pushed, remember that the doctors work for YOU.
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Cancel the appointment. Research data, ingredients, and adverse reactions.
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Research alternative doctors that will NOT pressure you to stay on the CDC vaccine schedule. Fire ANY doctor that shames you for questioning the status quo.
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I highly recommend finding a naturopath and chiropractor… or even a family practitioner, if you must.
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But in the meantime, cancel the appointment. You CAN do it.

I just wanted you to know.


Get a vax, get a bonus??


I recently talked with two physicians in different states that told me the HMO plans that they contract with do chart reviews and patient surveys at the end of each year. If their office scores high enough on these reviews, the HMO plan gives them a several thousand dollar bonus. This bonus varies depending on the number of patients the doctor sees. One of the requirements for a patient’s chart to pass the test is that they are fully vaccinated… ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
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So, why not give their doctors a bonus for meeting this goal? Here’s why. This policy gives any doctor who contracts with such HMO plans an incentive to NOT want any unvaccinated families in their practice. Maybe a few such families wouldn’t make them fail the chart reviews, but if they have too many, there goes their year-end bonus.
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I’ve always wondered why so many doctors are so adamantly hardcore about demanding all their patients fully vaccinate, and why they kick patients out of their office who refuse. I’d always just assumed it was because the doctors felt that the vaccine protection was so important that they don’t want any children to be at risk, so they draw a line in the sand for the good of the child (in their minds).⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀

BUT some doctors, especially those large groups who rely heavily on large HMO contracts, may actually be doing this because of money. Do they have the right to do so? Of course. But is it right? I don’t know. The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics makes it very clear that the official AAP policy is that doctors NOT kick patients out of their office over this issue. But when money talks, some people don’t listen…  -Bob Sears