wellness visits are vax visits

I don’t know who needs to hear this today… but it’s okay to cancel that pediatrician’s appointment.
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I seem to repeat this recommendation the most, reassuring new parents. Am I implying that we shouldn’t seek quality professionals when it comes to treating illness beyond our knowledge base, ailments which require urgent care, or simply making sure everything is okay?
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Absolutely not.
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I am simply implying that when your parental instincts are telling you to question that next pediatrician’s appointment because you are concerned that vaccines will be pushed, remember that the doctors work for YOU.
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Cancel the appointment. Research data, ingredients, and adverse reactions.
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Research alternative doctors that will NOT pressure you to stay on the CDC vaccine schedule. Fire ANY doctor that shames you for questioning the status quo.
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I highly recommend finding a naturopath and chiropractor… or even a family practitioner, if you must.
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But in the meantime, cancel the appointment. You CAN do it.

I just wanted you to know.
