What do I share with a loved one?

“But you don’t hold a PhD!”

Maybe you’ve heard that one before, too. Truthfully, many loved ones don’t understand the quality of resources which are available to us. Resources not taught in medical school – right at our fingertips!

Is your loved one willing to watch an eye-opening documentary or are they ready to dive into the history and science behind these jabs through literature?  I’ve got you covered for both!

Personally, I would start with the Vaxxed documentaries. Be sure to hang on for the last part of the second documentary (there are only 2) — It’s a perfect vaxxed vs unvaxxed study of siblings! They can order the DVD or choose digital streaming.


The Truth About Vaccines (docu-series)
I think the first and last videos are available to watch without purchase. However, the entire series is worth it!

The number one book I’d start with is Dissolving Illusions! It’s a more accurate peek into ???? history and how they did NOT save the day. And a surprising look into what actually did.

For a list (book) of scientific studies, Miller‘s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies, 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents is a great resource for those looking for hard facts!


I recently bought a few ???? books as a baby gift and the mama told me How to Raise a Healthy Child… in Spite of Your Doctor would be her pocket book while raising children… It’s a short but very good read!


One of my favorite websites (I have many – see resources) is… https://learntherisk.org
It was the go-to website my chiropractor recommended when asked which resource they would recommend to a new parent.

Brandy Vaughan is the mom behind this website. She used to work for big pharma as a Merck rep and started sounding the alarm when she learned the truth. While she has since passed (suspicious), her best friend now runs this site for her.

Another topic I believe very important is the issue of abortion in relation to ????. Children of God for Life has been a great resource on this topic. We are potentially injecting the DNA of another person into ours. They use cells which multiply rapidly (like cancer cells). https://cogforlife.org

Ironically, section 13.1 of every ???? insert says… “vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility.” Hmmm…

Other highly recommended resource books:

Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family by Brett Wilcox

The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio by Forrest Maready

Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children by Louise Kuo Habakus

VaxBaby: The Curious Parent’s Guide to Pediatric Vaccines by Forrest Maready

Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity for their children by Forrest Maready

What About Immunizations? Exposing the Vaccine Philosophy by Cynthia Cournoyer

How to End the Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley

The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers by Eli Camp Nd Dhanp

Be Your Child’s Pediatrician by Rachel Weaver M.H.

Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness by Dr. Thomas Cowan MD 

So You’re Going To Have a Baby by Adam Ringham

Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children by Tim O’Shea

The Vaccine Court 2.0: Revised and Updated: The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program by Wayne Rohde

The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed by Mary Holland

Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America by Eustace Clarence Mullins

The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads by Thomas S. Cowan MD

The resource section on this website was updated recently, but many great resource videos and sites have been deleted (censored).   *sigh*

Still worth the look for a new parent. Knowledge is power in the doctor’s office!

UPDATE: Instagram name has been changed. You can now find me here: @AwakeToGraceMama


When I chose to stay home with my children, people laughed.
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When I decided to homeschool, people laughed.
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When I bought organic and juiced produce, people laughed.
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When I chose the advice of naturopathic doctors over the opinions of allopathic doctors, people laughed.
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When I warned of the dangers of vaccines, people laughed.
When I spoke out on the rona virus agenda, people laughed.
I imagine the road less traveled is often paved with bystanders laughing at the task God has called you to.

To them, I say… Laugh. I’m not deterred. I faith-walk the path set before me, as He lights the way (Psalm 119: 105). 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.
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If you’re blazing a similar path, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. With God, we’ve got this.

Now… for those of you who chose to homestead early on, I give you FULL permission to laugh at me while I figure this out next year. ha! Prayers appreciated…


14 days to flatten the curve

Let’s see… 2,758 days (or so it feels) in this “14 days to flatten the curve” adventure now has faces muzzled, people afraid to look at one other, schools in chaos and businesses shut down. Churches are closed or encouraging government guidelines and bad science. How are we doing errybody?
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For those that [still] don’t get it, we plant seeds of this grand agenda that’s playing itself out like a nightmare. However, the more people comply, the sicker and more ridiculous the elite games get.
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Our children are relying on us to clean. this. up. Stand up! Speak up! Afraid? I get it… but when one of us finds the boldness to stand up, others will find their courage to do the same.

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The power of faith, trust in God, overcomes fear. It’s time to step out of the boat, my friends (Matthew 14).
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Every seed planted will not take root. In the parable of the sower, only 25% of the seeds sown took root… but that doesn’t stop us from sharing truth with those “who have ears (to) listen.” Matthew 13:3-9 Plant the seed and let Christ do the work. Please don’t be part of leading others astray in this agenda. Hello, pastors… (<– click link).

What can I do? Share the hope of Christ in a fallen world. Contact local representatives! Dip your toes into silent advocacy – leave information in all of the places you dare enter.

Some accounts which offer literature for silent advocacy:
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WARNING: I may talk about Jesus & vaccines at any moment. [T-shirt}.


Push Away

There is a time to push away from a conversation when it’s clear the seed planted will not take root.
We lost close friends over this vax topic. Their unexpected response upon learning of our views was not loving. I am not confrontational, so my response left me in quiet tears as they fired accusations. They were not open to anything we had to say.

Why can’t people be mad at the lies and not the people shining a light on the deception? Cognitive dissonance is rough on the receiving end. Sigh…
Afterwards, I wanted to call and defend myself, but I was reminded that it’s best to hush in the hurt. Scripture repeats “those who have ears to hear, listen...” Everyone is NOT ready.
The Lord kept bringing me back… “For the whole law is fulfilled in one statement: Love your neighbor as yourself. But 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙚𝙫𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧, 𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙪𝙩, 𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧. I say, then, walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you 𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙙𝙤 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩.” Galatians‬ ‭5:14-17‬
HE is my defender. My job is to plant the seed… and let Him do the rest.
Out of that experience, this account was born. Hearing our pro-life, Christian friends say, “I don’t care! They were going to be aborted anyway!” when my husband tried to let them know there were aborted fetal cells in vaccines [ they were NOT going to be aborted anyway]. This experience revealed just how deep the deception runs within the body of Christ. In some ways, that experience prepared me for the hate messages I now get online: baby killer, racist, white Bible thumper, uneducated…
Content on this account, which contradicts a lifelong belief, can stir emotion before a word is ever exchanged. Before engaging with someone, I ask myself if I’m spiritually ready to respond. I don’t always get it right, but I’m learning to push away from toxic conversations. Plant the seed and let God do the rest… 𝙤𝙧 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧.


Song recommendation:  Defender, Rita Springer

the {silent} work

Most of the time nobody is gonna see the work you do.
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Nobody is gonna see you read that book, say that prayer, or send those texts to check on your friends. Nobody is gonna see the money you donate, the hard conversations you dig into, or the research you do.
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Nobody is gonna see you teach your kids, stop hateful dialogue, or quietly build bridges. Nobody is gonna see you check your own heart and clean out the junk BUT DO IT ANYWAY.
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People don’t always need to see you plant the seed, they just need to see the good fruit it produces.
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Just a little encouragement to do the silent work. It’s usually the best work.
-Amy Weatherly
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This rings true in sharing the gospel and with advocacy. Every seed planted will not take root… some people are just NOT ready to hear.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” Mark 4:9

But we are tilling the ground, cultivating the next step in seed planting – possibly making it a tad easier for the next seed planter.
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And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14

God sees. He hears. He bottles every tear.

I pray He finds me faithful…


Make Critical Thinking Great Again 2020

The most fundamental attack on freedom is the attack on critical thinking skills.

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After months of telling my husband that I needed a shirt that said “Make Critical Thinking Great Again” to commemorate the insanity of current events, I decided to make one… after a few friends said they wanted one, too!
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Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding. Proverbs 3:13

For all t-shirt designs, visit:

i stayed silent until…

I stayed silent until I discovered the system wasn’t broken — it was intentionally made that way.
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I stayed silent until I recognized familiar symptoms on the vaccine insert.
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I stayed silent until discovering aborted babies were used (and abused).
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I stayed silent until [pro-life Christian] friends said — It doesn’t matter! Those babies were going to be aborted anyway!
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I stayed silent until [Christian] friends condescendingly declared that advocacy wasn’t important to Kingdom work.
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I stayed silent until I recalled the mom who slipped in church service late on the back row, leaving early, because her son was “interrupting” – clearly on the spectrum.
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I stayed silent until I realized the church needed to find her voice.
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And then I remembered… that voice was mine.
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Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which He looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which He blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are His body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours. -Teresa of Ávila
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Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
– Matt. 25:40
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What were your “until” moments?


you’re doing {good} work, mama.

Hallmark gives me all the emotions in this commercial. Might want to grab some tissues.

pt 2

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Her children rise up and call her blessed… Proverbs 31:28

You’re doing good work, mama.
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I see you running this race, trying to keep up the pace.
Raising your voice, screaming — We want medical choice!
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One hand holding a sign “made with aborted fetal cells” –
the other holding mine, wondering what history will tell.
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This message is important, exhausting at times.
I see it in your face – they should pay for their crimes.
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To open the eyes of a loved one, a stranger, a neighbor, is the goal.
Alerting the masses can take its toll.
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When you tuck me in at night, although I don’t say it,
you’re a blessing to me. God’s definition of beauty.
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Keep fighting the good fight. Let’s finish this race.
The Lord goes before us. Let’s pause in His embrace.
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Lean on me, says the Lord. See the enemy flee.
Vengeance is coming – let it be with Me.


alarm clock

California & New York were sadly the alarm clock that sounded a HUGE WAKE UP call to the masses. There’s no time for hitting snooze on this one.
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Love ALWAYS protects. Always trusts. Always hopes. Always perseveres. Love NEVER FAILS.
1 Cor. 13:7-8
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RFK Jr’s NJ State House speech, Jan. 6, 2020 – a reminder of WHY we are in the fight…
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“The four companies that produce all 72 vaccines that are mandated for American children, every one of them is a convicted felon. Since 2009, those four companies collectively have paid $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties and damages and fines for defrauding regulators, for falsifying science, for bribing doctors, for lying to the public, and for killing lots and lots of people.
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Vioxx, a drug made by Merck, they knew it would cause heart attacks. They sold it as a headache pill. They didn’t tell people, you won’t have a headache, but you might have a heart attack. Of course, if they had, not too many people would have bought it.
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So, they decided to keep it a secret. They killed a hundred and twenty thousand people minimum, probably five hundred thousand people. So I said to Adam Schiff, ‘What kind of cognitive dissonance does it require, to believe that this company, which is lying and cheating and killing with every other pharmaceutical product it makes, has found Jesus when it comes to vaccines?’ Everybody knows you can’t sue a vaccine company. That’s why we had this gold rush explosion of vaccines beginning in 1989.”
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Many do not believe vaccines harm children because the mere thought of it is so unthinkable. It requires a level of critical thinking and a loss of status & income, making most unwilling to step out of line. Those who have ears, let them hear.
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Stay vigilant, my friends. The more of us that rise up, the easier this yoke will be. The alarm clock is ringing.

Do you hear it?


{ALL} voices are needed

Where there’s risk, there must be abundant information.
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Delaying the schedule just means you haven’t decided. And didn’t do enough research on reactions and injuries. Research more – the {real} science, the history. See my RESOURCES page.
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The amount of sick kids are FAR exceeding the amount of healthy kids. It should NOT be our normal. Are we redefining the word “normal” just as we’ve redefined polio? The argument that pro vaxxers use, but [surprise!] polio still exists today – it has simply been reclassified and renamed.
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Babies are not supposed to incessantly bang their heads. Babies are not supposed to be allergic to everything! Babies are not supposed to have ear infections! And healthy babies don’t just die!
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Shaky voices are needed so much; it doesn’t matter how much confidence you have. Confidence CAN help get the attention of the opposing person but shaky voices are also IMPORTANT. EVERY single voice is needed, especially when it comes to advocating for our children. There is no voice too quiet. There is no voice that shakes too much. There is no voice that doesn’t know enough. None of us know every piece to this puzzle. BUT we can still speak, advocate, and fight for these babies. Without US… they have nobody.
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We need to humanize the term “anti-vaxxers.” Show faces and don’t be afraid to share the emotion that drives the need for transparency when there’s so much at risk.
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The more people step forward, the more people see that we ARE NORMAL, not vicious people sitting behind computers trying to hurt people.
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Start with what you know. If you don’t know, you can find out. If we all waited until we knew everything to start [speaking out], none of us would ever take that first step.
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We speak for Pete. For Billy, Evee, Nicholas, Colton, Zedikiah, Gemma, Sophia, Abbey, Nathan, Haleigh, Jayce, Aviana, Haylee, Gunner, Kaylynne, Arabella, Jhanella, Bransynn… and COUNTLESS other families, who have been injured, bullied, gaslighted, and shamed. NO MORE!

The Voiceless Podcast
