“we know too much”


We know too much. If you see one of these kids with severe autism, what would you do to prevent the suffering you see?  These kids are in pain for 20 years, screaming and pounding their heads against a wall, because their heads hurt so much.
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And these are kids who ought to be writing poetry, producing plays, leading bands, running for political office, working for newspapers, running big corporations; instead, they’re in diapers and a football helmet pounding their head against the wall and they can’t speak and they’re never going to go on a date, use a toilet, be married, earn money, pay taxes.
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What would you do to prevent that from happening to one of them? What would you sacrifice? What would you give up to save just ONE kid from that agony?
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Compound that times a million kids who are suffering like that and you don’t have a choice. We should burn our houses down and say that we’re not going to do anything but this because this is the apocalypse — when government and corporations have the power to forcefully poison an entire generation of kids with untested, zero liability medical interventions.”
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The Vaccine Conversation with Melissa and Dr. Bob,
A Historical Legacy & Fighting the Good Fight
with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Ep 73 @melissasuzannemusic @drbobsears

common does {not} mean normal


Just because something is common does NOT mean it’s normal. And shouting “safe & effective” long enough does NOT make it true.
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If people disagree, kindly ask them to explain the rise in chronic health issues like: MS, asthma, Type-1 diabetes, food allergies, childhood cancer, SIDS, developmental and speech delays, tics, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, infertility, purpura, auti$m, lupus, arthritis, eczema, seizures, etc.
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Today’s science has produced the most unhealthy generation in America, not expected to outlive their parents. The U.S. gives more pharmaceutical drugs & va$$ines to children than any other country.
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Are people blind to what they do not WANT to see?
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It is NOT a coincidence.
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There is an undeniable connection between chronic illness and the rise in vaccines, containing a toxic brew of:
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MODIFIED YEAST, HUMAN & ANIMAL DNA, DAIRY & EGG COMPONENTS, causing unknown genetic mutations. Dairy and eggs leading to allergies.
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ALUMINUM, a KNOWN neurotoxin, damaging health, even in tiny amounts, especially when injected.
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FORMALDEHYDE, an industrial pesticide, KNOWN to cause cancer in humans. Cancer is now the leading cause of death in U.S. children.
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NEOMYCIN SULPHATE, an antibiotic which interferes with vit B6 absorption which can lead to epilepsy and brain damage.
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MSG, a toxic chemical linked to birth defects, developmental delays and infertility. Banned in Europe.
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MERCURY, one of the most toxic substances, can cause damage to the brain, gut, liver, bone marrow, nervous system and/or kidneys. Linked to autoimmune & neurological disorders – like auti$m.
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And many, many more!
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No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it does NOT become truth. There is no such thing as a “safe” vaccine.


old remedies don’t profit pharma


There were always other simpler, cheaper, and more helpful means to combat diseases. However, if a remedy couldn’t be patented or given the AMA seal of acceptance, it generally would not have ranked in the public or medical eye.
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A 2009 study in the Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery showed cinnamon to be effective in hospital acquired infections and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
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In the majority of cases the person so treated [with cinnamon] escaped the disease [measles] altogether, or else had it in very mild form. -Dr. Drummond, 1919
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In 1899, Dr. C. G. Grant discovered that persons working in cinnamon gardens seemed to be immune to malaria. On trial, he found it valuable in gastroenteritis, recurrent boils, influenza, and he believes typhoid fever, as well.
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Diffusing all of the fall & Christmas oils, especially cinnamon, is one of my all. time. faves! Give me all of the oils!

Don’t get me wrong, I am truly thankful we have trauma care. If I’m ever in a life-altering wreck, please do not throw cinnamon on me and call it a day.  BUT when it comes to “health” care, God created our bodies… as well as the solutions. Amen?!

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Dissolving Illusions with Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, Lost Remedies ch. 16

courage to be unpopular


“Political correctness is just tyranny with manners. I wish for you the courage to be unpopular. Popularity is history’s pocket change. Courage is history’s true currency.”  -Charlton Heston

This message comes across my inbox often. “I feel the same way, but I don’t have the courage to speak out.” Sigh
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Believe me, I understand. It has the potential to be heartbreaking. We lost close friends over this. Not because our family couldn’t love them past our differences, but because our views on the deception in the “health” industry and aborted babies used in vaccines were offensive to them. Many Christians are sadly comfortable in ignorance on this topic.
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We plant seeds where we feel it will be received and… sometimes in places where we won’t know the outcome. But we speak it anyway. Jesus repeatedly said, “Those who have ears let them hear.” Even He knew that not everyone would be ready to receive His word.
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In the same way, we continue to share truth in this growing movement. We shine a light on the darkness in this industry, knowing cognitive dissonance will prevent many from hearing.
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Love must cast out fear. As the CDC schedule expands, what I have grown to fear most is… “You knew and you didn’t tell me?
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To start getting your feet wet, silently advocate. You could strategically place stickers, cards, etc… ordered from @learntherisk (learntherisk.org), @believemothers, and cards linked to the Vaccine.Guide via @insta_ashleyeverly. And when the door opens in conversation, you might be ready to walk through it.
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I don’t want to be known as mere pocket change, but as true currency. ⠀
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What are some ways in which you can commit to planting seeds of truth?


vaccination is {not} immunization


Vaccination is not immunization.
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Did you know that immunization has nothing to do with vaccination? We immunize ourselves through natural exposure to viruses all around us, building lifelong antibodies. God, our creator, designed a rather robust immune system – immunization without vaccination. When building immunity, gut health is a great place to start.
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Vaccination, a man-made toxic brew of aborted fetal cells, dog kidney, aluminum, polysorbate 80 & 20, calf serum, egg components, etc., cripples the immune system, making us vulnerable to other infections. Injection, an unnatural pathway, may give short-term, artificial antibodies, but at what cost? MS, eczema, seizures, encephalitis, transverse myelitis, otitis media, diabetes 1, asthma, food allergies, leukemia, ADD, ADHD, autism… and even death.
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Did you get flu shots in previous years? That means your immune system is less able to defend you against flu this year.
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…participants who were previously vaccinated mounted a significantly less robust (immune) response when compared with those who were unvaccinated. …participants that were previously vaccinated, (antibody) titers were significantly less robust after vaccination… which indicated that an influenza vaccination in the previous season diminished the vaccine-induced antibody response in the following year…”
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When I visited our new family doctor 2 yrs ago, his first questions were: How is the stress in your life? Are you eliminating? How is your marriage? Do you know your vitamin D levels? Are you sleeping at night?
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There was no mention of being current on vaccines. Even though his little government run clinic was covered in vax advertising, he personally calls them “trash.”
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If we care for our immune systems, our immune systems will care for us. We can start by avoiding vaccination. Amen?!
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What do you do to maintain your family’s immune systems?  Especially during “less-sunlight-high-sugar-intake-season” – err, I mean “flu season.



it’s a blurry line


There is no clear line where the pharmaceutical industry ends and the government begins.
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Pharma has a direct influence on policy, both in Congress and in agencies like the CDC and FDA.
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The drug industry at one time was called the patent medicine industry. This is still the more revealing name. <<-Hunter Lewis, Crony Capitalism in America
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Pharma companies aren’t fond of natural remedies for ailments because they can’t be patented. So they dedicate themselves to inventing products for which they can profit, thanks to government intervention in the market.
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In 2005, the National Institutes of Health sold vaccine technology to Merck and GSK under a co-exclusive license. Basically, Merck and GSK were guaranteed that the government would use force to protect their duopoly over the use of this technology for the purpose of profiting from sales of vaccines with the government collecting royalties. Merck then used this technology in its Gardasil vaccine, with the FDA’s backing. Marketing was designed to promote fear rather than provide evidence-based science.
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This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. <<-is a useless disclaimer. With no clinical trials actually determining that the vaccine can reduce the risk of cervical cancer, the FDA lets Merck market it as a cancer-prevention vaccine anyway.
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Remember the CDC director, Dr. Julie Gerberding (2002-2009), who left her government job to become president of Merck’s vaccine division – a $5 billion global business? ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀

Show us proof of concern for health over profit, then maybe the tide will change. Maybe.


advocacy doesn’t see race, creed, or color


I never know who will sit in the shopping cart where I’ve placed educational literature (that I paid for) so parents can become better informed. This is ONE of many examples of advocacy.
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I had not intended to share this publicly, but in light of @wa_freedom_keepers post regarding the misinformation shared by a national public radio station (KUOW FM 94.9), I share what happened to me, an “ex” vaxxer, Friday… because apparently rumor has it that if you don’t vaccinate, you’re racist. Sigh…
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I pulled into my driveway, opened my car door, grabbed my things, and nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a junior high boy plead, “Can you help me?!” Looking a bit panicked, he explained, “I’m supposed to meet my mom at 2:00……” It was 1:54.
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Long story short, there was a misplaced cellphone and a broken bike involved. He was thankful, as I drove him, as well as his friends (another story), to a nearby jr high school to meet his mom. I don’t recommend giving rides to strangers, but these boys needed a mom.
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One young student needed to get back to his apartment where he lived with his grandmother. On the way, he asked if I happened to have a snack, an unusual request for a stranger. He mentioned that he felt his sugar getting low. I asked if he was diabetic. He politely said, “Yes, ma’am.” When we discovered that his grandma wasn’t home, I offered to buy him something to eat & drink. No way was I about to leave him, knowing all he had in his school bag was insulin. We got to know each other through the Chick-fil-A drive-thru. It made me miss our years in youth ministry. He was returned safely to his grandmother’s.
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A Hispanic boy reached out to a white suburban mom who helped several Hispanic and black eighth graders. I only share ALL of this because it’s good to be reminded…
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We have MORE… More unity than hate, more care than callous, more acceptance than prejudice, more community than isolation, and… more of God working things out for our good than we could possibly know.

Advocacy doesn’t see race, creed, or color. And being hands & feet for Jesus doesn’t discriminate either.


welcome to the club


If you’ve ever opted out of one or both of these vaccines, welcome to the “anti”-vax club.
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We invite you to ask all of the questions, read all of the inserts, and… find a community of support! ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀

@ca_freedom_keepers has a “Freedom Keepers” post which lists accounts by state.
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@purelyparsons has also set up a Facebook page for those interested in connecting locally.


who is accountable?


If you or your child get vaccinated, suffer brain inflammation and never recover your health, you can be sure that it will either be dismissed as “just a coincidence,” or you will be labeled genetically defective with the claim you would have become brain damaged even if no vaccines had been given. It is already being done and it is so easy to do, when nobody making, selling, licensing, giving and voting to mandate vaccines has any accountability in a civil court of law.   -Barbara Loe Fisher

safe & effective??


Side effects include: Abdominal pain, Acute hemorrhagic, Agitation, Anaphylactoid reaction, Anaphylaxis, Apathy, Aplastic anemia, Arthralgia, Arthritis, Aseptic meningitis, Ataxia, Bell’s palsy, Bronchial spasm, Bronchitis, Bruising, Candidiasis, Cellulitis, Cerebrovascular accident, Convulsions or seizures, Cough, Death, Diarrhea, Discoloration, Dizziness, Ear pain, Edema, Edema of the eyelid, Edema of infancy, Encephalitis, Encephalopathy, Encephalomyelitis, Epididymitis, Epistaxis, Erythema, Erythema multiforme, Extravasation blood, facial edema, Febrile seizure, Fever, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Headache, Hematochezia, Hematoma, Henoch-Schönlein purpura, Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster, Hive-like rash, Hypersomnia, Impetigo, Induration, Infection, Inflammation, Influenza, Injection-site hemorrhage, Injection-site burning and/or stinging, Irritability, Lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy, Measles, Measles-like rash, Mouth ulcer, Mumps, Musculoskeletal pain, Myalgia, Necrotizing retinitis, Nerve deafness, Nervousness, Nodule, Ocular palsies, Optic neuritis, Orchitis, Pain, Pain of the hip, leg or neck, Panniculitis, Paraesthesia, Parotitis, Peripheral edema, Phenomena, Pneumonitis, Polyneuropathy, Pruritus, Pulmonary congestion, Purpura, Respiratory infection, Retinitis, Retrobulbar neuritis, Rhinitis, Rhinorrhea, Rubella, Rubella-like rash, Sinusitis, Skin induration, Skin infection, Somnolence, Sore throat, Soreness, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Stiffness, Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, Swelling, Syncope, Tenderness, Thoracic and mediastinal disorders, Thrombocytopenia, Transverse myelitis, Tremor, Upper respiratory infection, Varicella-like rash, Varicella, Viral exanthema, Warm sensation, Wheal and flare, Wheezing… ⠀

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Is this the CDC’s definition of safe & effective?
No thank you.
I’ll just take regular ol’ measles please.
