It’s easy to confuse wisdom with knowledge. Knowledge without wisdom is wasted. It’s akin to youth being wasted on the young, no? I digress…
How do we gain either, without asking questions? So. many. questions.
Let me ask this… Why do we trust?
If wearing a mask is mandatory because “it works” then why are we told to stand 6 feet apart? Why do we have to wear a mask? Is the virus floating in the air or living on playground equipment? Why can’t you get it straight, CDC?
If mask wearing AND standing 6 feet apart work, why do we still have lockdowns? Why are small businesses closed, while the big chain stores allowed to remain open? Why does the virus target churches, but not Walmart? Why is this virus so stinkin’ smart?
If all THREE worked (masks, distancing, lockdowns) and things are getting better, why push a vaccine? If the vaccines are safe, why do manufacturers have ZERO liability? Why have they never been proven safe & effective, but yet they are marketed as such?
Why is it assumed that the “good” (treatment) outweighs the “bad” (risks)? Why are we not seen as people… instead of a number? Why are truth seekers censored?
Why have we made Science, having no soul, our god? Why have we allowed science to profit from funding, without giving real answers?
Agendas, it seems, have endless pocketbooks. “But we should trust the scientists.” A lot of people have died at the hands of trusting the science. “Just take this pill for your ill.” Who cares what caused it… Why are they not held accountable for their crimes? Why are people we didn’t vote for making life-altering decisions for all?
Again… Why do we trust?
Knowledge is knowing the will of God. Wisdom is responding…
Laugh louder. Smile bigger. Hug longer. Share bolder…
The world needs it right now.
Watch: Symptoms of Tyranny