The Church of Modern Medicine

Murder by Vaccination with Eustace Mullins and “The Church of Modern Medicin3” with 4 “holy waters”: 1) Vaccination2) Fluoridation3) Silver Nitrate5) Intravenous feeding“Vaccination is really a time bomb within the human system that can go off 5 years, 10 years, 40 years after you have the vaccination… You can have a stroke, heart attack — because it’s always there in your system. You never get rid of it. And apparently, it’s always an alien force in your physique.” <— And this was before the rona jab“Modern medicine today is a $650 billion/year business.—> Keep in mind this video was posted 11 years ago.

Free pdf of Murder by Vaccination or order hard copy retail online. 😉

webster changes the definition of “vaccine”

Merriam-Webster dictionary has quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 mRNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the COVID-19 injection.

The definition of ‘vaccine’ as of February 5th 2021:

The definition of ‘vaccine’ as of February 6th 2021:

A vaccine used to be “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease”, meaning it had nothing to do with mRNA injections, which are not live vaccines and do not use an infectious element.

Why do you suppose they are working so hard to classify the corona jab as a vaccine , when it falls more in line with gene therapy? Maybe trying to ride the coattail of the lack of liability that goes along with vaccines, due to the act of 1986?
Part B: Additional Remedies - Sets forth procedures under which the person who filed a petition for compensation under the program may elect to file a civil action for damages. Provides that no vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death: (1) resulting from unavoidable side effects; or (2) solely due to the manufacturer's failure to provide direct warnings. Provides that a manufacturer may be held liable where: (1) such manufacturer engaged in the fraudulent or intentional withholding of information; or (2) such manufacturer failed to exercise due care. Permits punitive damages in such civil actions under certain circumstances.

There is no "withholding of information" when medical professionals are not fully educated on immunology and vaccinology.  An uninformed doctor cannot give true informed consent.

Vaccine | Definition of Vaccine by Merriam-Webster

Remember, THIS is with LESS THAN 1% of injuries being reported...


we {tried} to warn you

We can all just check our brains at the door and allow them to do all of the thinking for us, or we can recall who is pushing these experimental vaccines on EVERYONE (Biden is on a mission) and remember they are NOT LIABLE FOR ANYTHING that happens to you.
And instead of proving safety, the CDC would rather make a slide presentation to boost confidence, touting safety and effectiveness. Lord, help us. -->> Vaccinate with Confidence Tips for the Healthcare Team
And the government would rather invest $1 BILLION to strengthen confidence in the vaccine program, again... instead of proving safety and effectiveness.
There's a reason they do NOT want people sharing their injuries online:
If we can convince others that big government does not care, and pHARMa is in the business of wealth, not health (not to be confused with urgent, lifesaving care), and the "church" doesn't hold our best interest... all other dominoes of cognitive dissonance fall more readily.

"I'm telling people to treat their vaccinated and vaccine-injured friends and family as though they are in hospice. Yes, miracles can happen in hospice, and maybe they'll be lucky, but the covid shot is a ticking timebomb." -Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
If we can convince others that big government does not care, and pHARMa is in the business of wealth, not health (not to be confused with urgent, lifesaving care), and the "church" doesn't hold our best interest... all other dominoes of cognitive dissonance fall more readily. Contrary to popular belief, there are no "FDA-approved" COVID-19 vaccines. The FDA allowed the distribution and use of Moderna's "experimental" mRNA-1273 vaccine and Pfizer/BioNTech's "experimental" BNT162b2 vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). This means that, if you decide to get one of these two vaccines, you are agreeing to be part of a human medical experiment.
When the professions of Public Health and Medicine collude to do away with TRUE informed consent, they become a threat to every individual.
And just how will we know for sure that when someone develops autoimmune disorders, cancers, infertility, or other health problems down the road they are, or are not, associated with these novel gene therapy biologics? They are ERASING ALL EVIDENCE of the ability to compare vaxxed vs unvaxxed. No immediate reactions does NOT mean no long-term consequences. How convenient.  -->> Moderna And Pfizer Vaccine Studies Hampered As Placebo Recipients Get Real Shot
Rona vax injury reports -->> Search Results from the VAERS Database
Schools close due to reactions:
The shots will just keep coming. When it comes to Bill Gates, how do we vote out someone we didn't vote in? Population control is real.
This isn't a prideful "We told you so" moment, but rather... a heartbreaking,  "We tried to warn you."

Trust the sponsors… because they cArE.

Trust sCiEnCe, sPoNsOrS, iNvEsTiGaToRs, etc. They care about your health and have nothing to gain by the $ucce$$ of this eXpErImEnTaL vaccine. Adverse effects are rare. Besides, correlation does not equal causation. It’s for the gReAtEr g0oD. (Is THAT better, IG?) Estimated Moderna study completion date: 10.27.22 Estimated Pfizer study completion date: 1.31.23 This is all akin to a fox guarding the henhouse, no?

i know {who} holds tomorrow

I love this community! But I realized I had to set boundaries for myself [by turning off Instagram replies in stories] when my inbox became FLOODED with fear. From Christians. I get it. These headlines are not easy to navigate. But, as Christ-followers, our response should look different —> Even if we have to shake ourselves as the psalmist did when he told. his. soul. to hope in God. (Psalm 43:5) We have a HOPE that’s bigger than... (insert any headline here -- today, it's drama on our nation's capitol). No matter the circumstance, the message remains the same. Salvation is found in Christ. Stay away from vacksheens. Stop listening to the lies of the enemy. Satan's days are numbered. And he ain’t happy about it. But we can certainly rejoice! The joy of the Lord is our strength. Amen! “To reveal the kingdom coming And to reconcile the lost To redeem the whole creation You did not despise the cross For even in Your suffering You saw to the other side Knowing this was our salvation Jesus for our sake You died And the morning that You rose All of heaven held its breath Till that stone was moved for good For the Lamb had conquered death And the dead rose from their tombs And the angels stood in awe For the souls of all who’d come To the Father are restored And the Church of Christ was born Then the Spirit lit the flame Now this gospel truth of old Shall not kneel shall not faint By His blood and in His Name In His freedom I am free For the love of Jesus Christ Who has resurrected me” p.s. I’m not a huge fan of the author of the song, but that doesn’t change the truth in the message. Also... You CAN still message me! 😉

speaking of {infection} numbers…

We just looked at the CDC's total list of deaths per year  (I'm not splitting hair over the 2020 numbers -- I simply don't trust any of the rona cases, nor tests) -- let's look at the rate of possibility to "infect" someone with a virus. An analysis of risk by Bob Moran...
“First of all, given that you have no symptoms, what are the chances that you are infected with SARS-CoV-2? The UK Office of National Statistics estimates this to be 1 in 115, or 0.87%.
Now, imagining you are infected, but you don’t have any symptoms, what is the probability that you will infect somebody else with SARS-CoV-2?  Recent studies show this is around 0.7%.
If we multiply the probability of these two events, we can calculate the likelihood of you a) being infected & b) passing that infection on without symptoms. This gives a figure of 0.006%.  To put that figure in context, it’s roughly the same as your chance of dying in a car crash over the course of any given year. if you infect someone, this doesn’t mean that they are going to end up dying of Covid pneumonia. Far from it, in fact. There is a lot of debate regarding the IFR of SARS-CoV-2, but the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine puts it at roughly 0.5%. (99.5% of infected people survive, even higher if you’re younger)
Now, if we multiply the chance of infecting another person (without symptoms) by the fatality rate, we can estimate that the risk of “killing” one of your relatives is roughly 0.00003%, or 1 in 3 million.
Obviously there are a lot of caveats. If one of your relatives is very old and very ill, then the IFR is going to be higher. If they are relatively healthy, it’s going to be lower. But there’s another caveat. PCR tests. The first number we used (the number of infected individuals in the UK) is based on positive PCR results. It is possible that only 3% of these positive results are accurate.
Which means that the risk of a person “killing” a relative without any discernible coronavirus symptoms may well be as low as 1 in 30 million – the same sort of likelihood of you winning the National Lottery. Clearly, it is for individuals to assess risks for themselves and make decisions accordingly. But they should do so in the knowledge of how big those risks actually are. And nobody should be calling others “irresponsible” for taking a risk this minuscule.
Finally, this risk isn’t just the justification for ‘cancelling Christmas’, it’s the justification for all of it. Lockdowns, masks, school closures, undiagnosed cancers, suicides, stillbirths, unemployment. All done because we were told this specific risk was just too high.”
- Bob Moran of Bob's Cartoons
But... "Bob Moran is not a doctor or scientist." Nope. But, HERE'S ONE!  Sucharit Bhakdi is a Thai-German specialist in microbiology, having studied at the universities of Bonn, Giesen, Mainz, and Copenhagen.  He also studied at the Max Planck Institute Of Immunobiology And Epigenetics in Freiburg, and is a professor emeritus of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and from 1991 to 2012 was head of the Institute Of Medical Microbiology & Hygiene.

Here’s the takeaway:

  • don’t blindly trust the media

  • masks and social distancing are pointless

  • COVID-19 is about as serious as influenza (which isn’t very serious)

  • a COVID-19 vaccine isn’t necessary

  • go back to living a normal life.

**disclaimer: ANY numbers reflecting infection/contagion via a virus makes the high assumption that viruses work the way we are being told. In the words of Dr. Mikovits, "dig deeper." p.s.  Asymptomatic = presenting no symptoms or evidence of illness or abnormality = HEALTHY!  

in a {REAL} pandemic…

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 (as of Nov) Even with Jan & December of 2020 added, the numbers do NOT justify a worldwide mandatory lockdown, mask, nor vaccine. Additionally, these numbers do not tell the whole story... Will history books include the death count to reflect those who died from suicide? loneliness? abuse?  flawed medical treatment? Will the truth be told about false positive tests? (coca-cola tested positive, for goodness sake) Or the fact that this virus has never been isolated?? (hint: you will not find the truth on the first page of google - dig deeper) Will history mention families angered by a doctored COD on death certificates? What about bribes for loved ones if they claim COD as "covid"?? I will never {EVER} trust a government which systematically poisons our air, food, and water.

"If it was truly a pandemic, no one would be talking about stats like this, trying to prove it was a pandemic. And you wouldn’t have to be tested to know you have it..." "In a real pandemic, medical professionals wouldn't have time for TikToks." "How will we know if the vaccine is working? Will the survival rate go from 99.7% to 99.8%?" "Give an inch and they take... everything!" "FEAR IS THE REAL VIRUS!" "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Tim. 1:7 lying about numbers +++disclaimer: I am not denying that people have been sick with a virus. This is simply a gentle reminder that viruses mutate. It's what they do. Make common sense common again!

Safe & Effective… Hoax

Please read the fine print of this vax and decide for yourself: fbclid=IwAR1CaTeZDaeXTwZzcJfncaMviDxZ3LAx40thbLQjEWEOILSFFbm80Q6o3Yk

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta and Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company SELLING THE COVID-19 TEST:

"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspected public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. This is nothing more than a bad flu season. It's politics playing medicine and that's a very dangerous game. There is no action needed...Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence whatsoever they are even effective. It is utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless... The risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000...response is utterly ridiculous."