i’m sorry… what?!

Two people have fallen ill during the trials of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine in the UK, the company’s internal papers revealed, and a source said they had both suffered from the same serious neurological disorder.
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The company published details of the trials on Saturday, after facing criticism over the lack of transparency surrounding the testing of the much-anticipated vaccine against the virus...” Want to take a guess?
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Transverse myelitis <<— an inflammatory disease, which affects the spinal cord, causing weakness, sensory alterations, and autonomic nervous-system dysfunction.
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AstraZeneca, which has administered its vaccine to some 18,000 people worldwide, said in internal documents that the two cases of the illness were “unlikely to be associated with the vaccine, or there was insufficient evidence to say for certain that the illnesses were or were not related to the vaccine.” I’m sorry. What??

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but INJURY IS NOT RARE, nor is it new. When will the masses make the connection?
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p.s. AstraZeneca’s vaccine uses a monkey adenovirus that shares a gene with the Covid-19 coronavirus. What could possibly go wrong??


Is it right??

The mind of a slave asks, “Is it legal?” The mind of a free person asks, “Is it right?” Legal doesn’t [always] mean it’s right.
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Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority follow. This always reminds me of the 3 Hebrew children in Daniel 3. They did NOT bow down alongside the masses.
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Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. -Saint Augustine
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Woe to those who call evil good and good evil… Isaiah 5:20
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A few examples: Texas statutes, new school (rona) protocol (scanning for fevers, testing, etc.), a response from someone I once knew regarding a pastor’s arrest, Hawaii restrictions…

⠀⠀ ⠀Texas statutes

Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne arrested for conducting service, article 4.2.20

Online is NOT the same as GATHERING with other believers (doesn’t have to be in a church building). The government should NOT have the right to dictate religious gatherings per the Bill of Rights.

Lord, help us…

potential {AFM} outbreak

The CDC issued a call to action to warn of a potential outbreak between the end of this summer and winter of a rare, but potentially lethal disease that affects young children… Acute flaccid myelitis.
Did you know that there is evidence that vaccines are associated with transverse myelitis and HAVE also been recognized by the vaccine court to cause INJURY.
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Vaccines associated:
* DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis) vax
* Hepatitis B vax
* HPV vax (Gardasil, Cervaris)
* Influenza (Flu) vax
* MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vax
* Meningococcal vax
* TDap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, acellular Pertussis) vax

Can’t imagine what “goodies “ await us with the rona vax.





Gates, a philanthropist?

Bill Gates is NOT a philanthropist. Read that again.

Trust Stamp uses AI to create a 3D mask of face, palm, or prints then throws away the data and adds encryptions in place of the name or records. “Only a small % of the data that originally existed is in the hash. – Trust Stamp co-founder Gareth. No one would recognize you in this huge jumble of numbers.” – Genner

It is working on ways to allow companies to identify criminals prior to appointments. The question is: Will the definition of “criminals” eventually be extended to include those who refuse to get their vaxs?

The integration of biometric id technology with digital banking and vax records is a dangerous step that could be used to force people to get their shots or else be blocked from making purchases.

The global elites fully understand this possibility, which is exactly why the likes of Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation have pumped millions into the technology. It’s also why the establishment, as in the case of multinational corporation Mastercard, so ardently wants to create a world beyond cash.
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Cash is unregulated and difficult to trace. Cards and digital currency, can be not only tracked, but controlled. With the flip of a switch, someone accused of wrong think can have his personal funds frozen or confiscated – an example of how the Rona scare plays right into the hands of the totalitarians who seek to undermine us in favor of a centralized world government. Not surprisingly, globalist organizations such as the WHO have said that cash could be spreading the rona. These fears about cash, along with the lockdown, have contributed to America’s supposed coin shortage.
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Gates is funding both an under-the-skin vax history device that can be read with infrared-equipped smartphones and a remote-controlled contraceptive microchip to go under women’s skin.

But the only way to convince the majority of Americans to get a vaccine is to keep the fear flowing. Hence the rising rona cases and the insistence by everyone that we just wear a mask.


Full story: https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/africa/item/36432-gates-funded-program-to-begin-tests-on-biometric-id-vaccination-records-in-Africa

{hush} money

Rona hush money. Let’s just call it what it is. I’m sharing a conversation sent to me between a chiropractor and a paramedic.

Read below for a breakdown of how much funding per Rona case each state received (according to this article dated 4.14.2020) from the first $30 billion in aid. Kaiser Health News used a state breakdown provided to the House Ways and Means Committee by HHS along with COVID-19 cases tabulated by The New York Times for its analysis.
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Alabama $158,000, Alaska $306,000, Arizona $23,000, Arkansas $285,000, California $145,000, Colorado $58,000, Connecticut $38,000, Delaware
$127,000, District of Columbia $56,000, Florida $132,000, Georgia $73,000, Hawaii $301,000, Idaho $100,000, Illinois $73,000, Indiana $105,000, Iowa $235,000, Kansas $291,000, Kentucky $297,000, Louisiana $26,000, Maine $260,000, Maryland $120,000, Massachusetts $44,000, Michigan $44,000, Minnesota $380,000, Mississippi $166,000, Missouri $175,000, Montana $315,000, Nebraska $379,000, Nevada $98,000, New Hampshire $201,000, New Jersey $18,000, New Mexico $171,000, New York $12,000, North Carolina $252,000, North Dakota $339,000, Ohio $180,000, Oklahoma $291,000, Oregon $220,000, Pennsylvania $68,000, Rhode Island $52,000, South Carolina $186,000, South Dakota $241,000, Tennessee $166,000, Texas $184,000, Utah $94,000, Vermont $87,000, Virginia $201,000, Washington $58,000, West Virginia $471,000, Wisconsin $163,000, Wyoming $278,000.


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Source: https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/finance/state-by-state-breakdown-of-federal-aid-per-covid-19-case.html

a manipulative study

?? ????? ??????? ??????, ???? ??????’? ???? ?? ?????????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ??????????. Instead of proving safety, Yale conducts a clinical trial on how to best manipulate the masses into compliance.

We will compare the reported willingness to get a C0 v I D – 1 9 vaccine at 3 and 6 months of it becoming available.” https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04460703
So, what are they testing??
Vaccine confidence scale: This scale will be used to assess the impact of the messages on vax confidence.
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Persuade others item: This is a measure of a willingness to persuade others to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Fear of those who have not been vaccinated: This is a measure of a comfort with an unvaccinated individual visiting an elderly friend after a vax becomes available.
Social judgment of those who do not vaccinate: This is a scale composed of 4 items measuring the trustworthiness, selfishness, likeableness, and competence of those who choose not to get vaccinated after a vax becomes available.

Yale University
New Haven, CT
????????? ????????: At least 18 years of age, US resident.
????????? ????????: Younger than 18 years of age, Non-US resident, Do not consent
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Again, could the message be any clearer? Shoving this vaccine agenda down. our. throats. It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything is fine.


the flu vax does what?!

If the flu vax INCREASES the risk of c0r0na virus by 36%, what goodies are in store for us when the newest R0na vax arrives?! Just asking. Nothing to see here, my friends…
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It would be interesting to note deaths contributing to c 0v i D numbers in individuals recently vaccinated with influenza.
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Just a little flu vax 101 — Most of the influenza vaccines in use in the U.S. are injectable, inactivated vaccines that are made using chicken embryos, insect cells, or dog kidney cells. Who wouldn’t want that?!  Depending on the manufacturer, some contain an adjuvant which hyper-stimulates the immune system (hello autoimmune issues) to produce a stronger antibody response. Injectable influenza vaccines packaged in multi-dose vials contain the mercury preservative thimerosal, and inactivated influenza vaccines packaged in single dose vials are either “thimerosal-free”  or contain “trace amounts” of the mercury preservative, while the live attenuated nasal vax contains no thimerosal (but a host of other ingredients).
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Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% – The 21st Century (21cir.com)

{N}ew {W}orld {O}rder

Have you started researching the REAL agenda yet? If not… now would be a good time.
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Bill H.R. 6666, mandated vaccines, microchips, and 5G are designed for surveillance + artificial intelligence to track us AT ALL TIMES. On May 12, 2020 Dr. Fauci even says “There is no guarantee that a COVID-19 vaccine will be effective.” Do you understand what is happening here….they are telling us that there is no guarantee but we still need to take it? Can you see how this does not make sense?
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Follow: Robert Kennedy Jr., The Highwire with Del Bigtree, Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny, Dr. Rashid Buttar, London Real… who are exposing lies with REAL SCIENCE and leading movements to stop Gates & big pHARMa.

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They want us scared and divided. They don’t want us powerful and we are powerful when we are empowered with knowledge and we work together with love and respect.

For an introduction with links, READ THIS source: https://www.gracevanberkum.com/post/we-are-being-played-please-read
