


Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.
-Benjamin Rush


wellness visits are vax visits

I don’t know who needs to hear this today… but it’s okay to cancel that pediatrician’s appointment.
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I seem to repeat this recommendation the most, reassuring new parents. Am I implying that we shouldn’t seek quality professionals when it comes to treating illness beyond our knowledge base, ailments which require urgent care, or simply making sure everything is okay?
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Absolutely not.
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I am simply implying that when your parental instincts are telling you to question that next pediatrician’s appointment because you are concerned that vaccines will be pushed, remember that the doctors work for YOU.
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Cancel the appointment. Research data, ingredients, and adverse reactions.
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Research alternative doctors that will NOT pressure you to stay on the CDC vaccine schedule. Fire ANY doctor that shames you for questioning the status quo.
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I highly recommend finding a naturopath and chiropractor… or even a family practitioner, if you must.
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But in the meantime, cancel the appointment. You CAN do it.

I just wanted you to know.


we {must} remain FREE

We checked. Trust us.


All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. -Bernard Shaw
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You’ve probably heard by now. The updated 2019 CDC vaccine excipient list removed WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts from the “contains” column, where it was previously, 2018 (and back), implying it has been removed.

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If removed, where are the clinical studies, the records, the information, which support the removal of WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts from the vaccines (ex. MMR II and MMR Proquad)?
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Have new studies been done to support the safety of the removal and function of said vaccines? If not removed, WHY were the WI38 fibroblasts taken off the excipient list?⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
The CDC searched through their records and came up with nothing regarding studies of removal of the WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts.


The National Center for Immunization & Respiratory Diseases and The Immunization Safety Office searched through their records and came up with nothing.

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Are you shocked? Why do you think they are editing some of the most talked about information?

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better research than the FBI


Mothers who don’t vaccinate their children are highly educated, value scientific knowledge and are sophisticated at researching vaccines.
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Hmmm… Ever heard the saying — A worried mother (and/or father) does better research than the FBI?
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A study from Am J Public Health 2007 Feb (Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies) analyzed national immunization data on 11,860 children 19-35 months of age to evaluate maternal characteristics that may be associated with whether the child is fully vaccinated. Mothers with a college degree and high incomes were the least likely to fully vaccinate…
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Please note! You do. NOT.  need. the alphabet displayed behind your name to educate yourself on the topic of vaccines – or to give yourself permission to question their safety and effectiveness (because that’s never been proven). If you’ve read an entire insert, congratulations! You now know more than a doctor regarding vaccines, as most cannot name ingredients, adverse reactions, nor how to report them to VAERS, etc. You’ve got this moms and dads!


forever impacted by injury

When people say this truth-sharing mission is not important to kingdom work, I will bring this to my remembrance – the many faces whose lives have been forever impacted by vaccine injury, as well as those unable to make the journey to DC due to taking care of injured loved ones.

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Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC
November 2019, VIE Event

“Today the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act looks nothing like the one signed into law in November 1986. Still, it is the only US law confirming that government licensed and state mandated vaccines can and do injure and kill children.
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What else has happened since November 1986? Four BILLION dollars in compensation has been awarded to over 6,000 Americans. But 2 out of 3 vaccine victims are turned away. Today, most of the awards go to the adults injured by flu shots while thousands of families whose children have suffered catastrophic vaccine injuries are left with nothing but medical bills and shattered lives.
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Clearly, public health officials do not want to concede that the risks of vaccination for children are far greater than one in a million. About 35,000 bad health outcomes, including injury and death, are reported to the government every year. That number is less than 1% of the total because doctors are not penalized for failing to report.
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Today, 1 child in 5 is learning disabled. In 1976, it was 1 in 17. Today, 1 child in 6 under age 8 (1 in 2 adolescents & 1 in 4 young adults) is diagnosed with a mental behavioral or emotional disorder. There has been an unexplained 55% increase in depression and anxiety in children since 2003. Today, 1 child in 13 has a food allergy, often life threatening. And food allergies have increased 50% among children since 1997. Today, 1 child in 40 develop autism. It was 1 child in 2,500 in 1991. Today, 1 child in 106 has active epilepsy with recovering seizures and epilepsy is mysteriously increasing among both children and adults. Today, 1 child in 400 has type 1 or type 2 diabetes, which increased 20-40% in one decade and has increased 382% among Americans of all ages since 1988.
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Millions of children and adults are suffering with other types of inflammatory brain and immune system disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, thyroid disease, guillain barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease. On top of that, America has the worst infant mortality, worst maternal mortality, and worst life expectancy rate of all developed nations. This is a failing public health report card of historic proportions…”

woketxmama⠀⠀⠀ ⠀

with{OUT} consent

Using babies for research without parental knowledge or consent. This. is. NOT. okay!!!

But wait! There’s more… Patients in VA hospitals and prisoners have been used for testing, experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials…
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Experimental vaccines — those not approved by the FDA and therefore illegal — administered to members of the armed forces without informed consent – Clint0n’s 0rders.
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Tuskegee Syphilis Study, CDC Study of Experimental MMR Vaccines,
Surgical Experiments on Enslaved People, The Cloning of Henrietta Lacks’ Cells, The Pellagra Incident, Operation Paperclip, Agenda 21… the list goes on & on! Are you getting the idea?

To dip your toes in this rabbit hole…
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Vaxxed 2 documentary


“…it is one of the greatest tools of the enemy to use to keep our children from fulfilling their God-given destiny…” -Joni Lamb (Daystar interview with Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey)

I grapple with the right words to say after our family watched “Vaxxed 2: The People’s Truth” on one of 107 theater screens, with 11K+ in attendance nationwide. It always hits differently when you hear the stories and see the faces that are attached to the thousands of names written on the Vaxxed bus. It’s the tip of the iceberg because there are MILLIONS suffering injury.
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It’s the truth you won’t hear from the vaccine makers, but only from those who have learned the hard way and have nothing to profit from sharing their stories of heartache – except that it could save you or your child’s life.
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Paralysis, ADHD, auto immune disorders, asthma, chronic otitis media, food allergies, unexplained seizures, cancer, eczema, guillain barrè syndrome, diabetes, SIDS, ASD, etc… all adverse events. It seems the only thing rare about an adverse reaction is the media’s proper coverage of them – at least 70% of their advertising revenue comes from drug companies.
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The stress, brokenness, and isolation parents live with, while dealing with severe injuries or death, is heart-rending. Countless families who blindly trusted, not realizing doctors, many times, never read an entire insert. An uninformed doctor cannot give informed consent.
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Silencing, bullying, and shaming seems to be the name of the game – sadly, even within the church. But what should the response of the body of Christ be? Weep with those who weep? Absolutely!
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I would still be completely undone in tears if the documentary hadn’t ended on a positive note (spoiler!!), highlighting so many healthy unvaxxed kids – usually the younger siblings of injured children. Case studies under one roof! This is the REAL story they don’t want heard. The unvaccinated are NOT the threat. Don’t be deceived by the “outbreaks” – Much of what we are seeing now is vaccine-derived!


safety has NEVER been affirmed in clinical trials


One plus one plus one does NOT equal three. -Dr. Wakefield, The Truth About Vaccines
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During vaccination, the body is required to fight a toxic soup of illnesses at once, including a possible mixture of: varicella, hepatitis A, Japanese Encephalitis, German measles, pneumococcal, pertussis, cholera, hepatitis B, measles, polio, shingles, diphtheria, Haemophilus Influenzae Type B, Meningococcal, tetanus, yellow fever, influenzas, mumps, rotavirus, typhoid fever… for starters.
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The following is an excerpt taken from the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Combining Childhood Vaccines at One Visit Is Not Safe, Summer 2016 Vol. 21
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Our study showed that infants who receive several vaccines concurrently, as recommended by CDC, are significantly more likely to be hospitalized or die when compared with infants who receive fewer vaccines simultaneously. It also showed that reported adverse effects were more likely to lead to hospitalization or death in younger infants.
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The safety of CDC’s childhood vaccination schedule was never affirmed in clinical studies. Vaccines are administered to millions of infants every year, yet health authorities have no scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants are likely to receive. National vaccination campaigns must be supported by scientific evidence. No child should be subjected to a health policy that is not based on sound scientific principles and, in fact, has been shown to be potentially dangerous.
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Undesirable outcomes associated with childhood vaccination can be reduced by requiring national vaccination policies to be supported by scientific evidence, holding vaccine manufacturers accountable when their products harm consumers, urging major news outlets that rely on pharmaceutical advertising revenue to change their business models so that crucial scientific research, regardless of how controversial it may be, is widely disseminated into the public domain. Meanwhile, the evidence presented in this study shows that multiple vaccines administered during one visit, and vaccinating young infants, significantly increase morbidity and mortality.
