liability {free}

According to the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, formaldehyde causes cancer. They KNOW this, yet it is INJECTED via vaccines, bypassing our God-given immune systems.

Read section 13.1 in vaccine inserts – “has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility.” Yet, they are liability free!

Seems safe. I’m sure it’s there because they care. (note sarcasm)


CDC excipient list
American Cancer Society
National Cancer Institute

i’m sorry… what?!

Two people have fallen ill during the trials of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccine in the UK, the company’s internal papers revealed, and a source said they had both suffered from the same serious neurological disorder.
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The company published details of the trials on Saturday, after facing criticism over the lack of transparency surrounding the testing of the much-anticipated vaccine against the virus...” Want to take a guess?
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Transverse myelitis <<— an inflammatory disease, which affects the spinal cord, causing weakness, sensory alterations, and autonomic nervous-system dysfunction.
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AstraZeneca, which has administered its vaccine to some 18,000 people worldwide, said in internal documents that the two cases of the illness were “unlikely to be associated with the vaccine, or there was insufficient evidence to say for certain that the illnesses were or were not related to the vaccine.” I’m sorry. What??

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but INJURY IS NOT RARE, nor is it new. When will the masses make the connection?
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p.s. AstraZeneca’s vaccine uses a monkey adenovirus that shares a gene with the Covid-19 coronavirus. What could possibly go wrong??


potential {AFM} outbreak

The CDC issued a call to action to warn of a potential outbreak between the end of this summer and winter of a rare, but potentially lethal disease that affects young children… Acute flaccid myelitis.
Did you know that there is evidence that vaccines are associated with transverse myelitis and HAVE also been recognized by the vaccine court to cause INJURY.
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Vaccines associated:
* DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis) vax
* Hepatitis B vax
* HPV vax (Gardasil, Cervaris)
* Influenza (Flu) vax
* MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vax
* Meningococcal vax
* TDap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, acellular Pertussis) vax

Can’t imagine what “goodies “ await us with the rona vax.



Flu 1976

They can come out tomorrow and tell me there’s gonna be an epidemic. And they can drop off like flies next to me, I will not take another shot that my government tells me to take.
-Mr. Roberts, husband to Judy Roberts, who was diagnosed with GBS – following the influenza vaccine
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60 minutes 1976


I am missing a portion of this video from my original IG post, but here is a full copy, if you’re able to catch it before it’s deleted:

Imagine living in a world when reporters asked the important questions.
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Seems the head of the CDC didn’t know a lot of things… even then.


Who is causing the “outbreaks” again??

There is not a single study proving unvaccinated children are a risk to the immune-compromised. What we do know is that anyone with cancer should NOT be around a recently vaccinated person because they shed live viruses for weeks.

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Mumps vax shedding:

Measles virus sheds for 1-13 days after vaccination: ;
Measles outbreak among the vaccinated:

Varicella transfer after vaccine to pregnant mom: ;

Rotavirus vax shedding:

Mumps vax shedding:

Vax Derived Polio Virus transmission:

There’s more where this came from, but you get the idea!


auto{immune} disorders

There is an ongoing survey in Germany that compares the long term health of 17,641 vaccinated children with that of 15,320 unvaccinated children.

The survey shows that vaccinated children are:
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Twice as likely to have allergies
7 times more likely to have asthma/chronic bronchitis
3 and half times more likely to have hayfever
3.8 times more likely to have Hyperactivity
19 times more likely to have an Autoimmune disorder
10 times as likely to have Skoliosis
11 times as likely to have Epilepsy/Seizures
Twice as likely to have Migranes
And… two and a half times more likely to have Autism.

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There is also a study that backs up the results of the above survey but because it exposed the lie/party line, Big Pharma had it REMOVED. Shocking, no?
Fortunately, a record was made before it was removed so if you don’t trust surveys this is for you:
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Finally, we have undeniable proof that the pharmaceutical propaganda of “vaccines are safe” is unequivocally false.
The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion) [in 2002]…
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It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine…

Marcia Angell, author of
The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It


Vaccines don’t cause autism.” Dr. Baldwin, a pediatrician, said it – so it MUST be true, right? WRONG! You can TikTok all the day long, gaslighting parents. You can hijack links [with autism evidence] to p0rÑ. [True story. No, I will not share the link.] However… SOON, you will NOT be able to ignore the obvious.

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There will be more training needed to accommodate special needs. There will be more padded rooms for minors on the spectrum for ill-prepared teachers. AND there will be droves of parents speaking out online, as they are suddenly home-bound caring for special needs children.

Do vaccines cause autism? You tell me. —Read the research— not Snopes. Look at the aluminum and MMR correlations. Talk to Hannah Poling’s parents, @tannersdad@pollytommey… and the thousands who suffer in silence.
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The first time aluminum was added to a childhood vax was 1932. Up until that point, aluminum had never been injected into children. And autism had never been reported. Within a year of children getting that aluminum-containing vax, the first cases of what we now call autism began to appear
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There is no disease on the planet I fear more than the effects of injected aluminum.
-Forrest Maready
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Vaccines DO cause the underlying physical conditions that result in neurological damage, immune system disorders, gastrointestinal damage, and yeast overgrowth – all of which combined, produce the behavioral symptoms that result in an “autism” diagnosis. I know…

It’s all coincidence, right?

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we share to warn others


“I have to say something that has bothered me in the last 24 hours. There is a very vocal mother on Instagram who posted that her 3 month old has encephalitis with little detail on what happened. So obviously many concerned parents of injured children just asked could it have been the vaccines?? These parents were mocked and ridiculed.

As a parent who experienced intense pain when both my kids were diagnosed, I am so thankful for the people who spoke the truth! We don’t know the full story but sharing on social media with little details, people will ask questions. Parents please keep sharing your stories on what happened to your kids. If it helps one person connect the dots, it’s worth it!! Injury and death happen, it’s not every circumstance – but bringing it up as a concern should not be ridiculed or mocked!!

It’s so sad what is happening on social media. We are not an agenda or a propaganda anti vax group, we are ex vaxxers who are warning you and helping you put the pieces together.”

– Stephanie Eileen

travel vaccines

Holidays, missionary work, etc… I’ve received more than a few messages about travel vaccines lately. Here is what @learntherisk had to say…
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Did you know that as a traveler your risk of DYING from the yellow fever VACCINE is HIGHER than the risk of actually contracting yellow fever?
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This peer-reviewed expert study shows more deaths from the YF vaccine than incidence of getting disease: From 1990 to the present, the number of cases (n = 31) and deaths (n = 12) from YEL-AVD in travelers has exceeded the reports of YF (n = 6) acquired by natural infection, raising the question whether the risk of vaccination exceeds the benefit in travelers.
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And since countries don’t check vaccine status of tourists, think twice before heading to that travel vaccine clinic…because they only make money if they make you a customer.
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NVIC: Some countries will allow you entrance without particular vaccines but will not allow you to leave the country and travel to another country without getting certain vaccines. Be sure you understand vaccination requirements for entering AND exiting foreign countries, including the U.S. (especially in light of the upcoming rona vaccine).
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Dr. Suzanne Humphries recommends assessing which illnesses are a problem where you intend to travel. Learn how to prevent and treat them… then weigh your actual need to travel to that location.
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What we sometimes see as short term necessity could render long term consequences. Weigh the risks. ⠀⠀
