ignorant {bliss}

A friend once asked, “Don’t you just want to trust [a professional] sometimes?” She lives in deep trust of allopathic medicine. One of her babies ran a fever at 3 days old and the doctor told her the baby would be fine, no explanation. When I questioned giving a newborn Hep B at birth, she defended the vax by saying it’s possible they want to protect everyone, because you never know [who might get overlooked]. Cognitive dissonance is complicated.
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Pfizer, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies, grew by purchasing a handful of its competitors and through aggressive marketing [a practice it pioneered back in the 1950s by purchasing unprecedented advertising spreads in medical journals].
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The public should have ZERO trust in such regulatory agencies – they make recommendations because they are easy and convenient [for their pockets], NOT because children need them.
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The companies making childhood vaccines are also pHARMaceutical companies that have been punished, both criminally and civilly, in FEDERAL court for wrongdoing, unethical behavior, falsely misleading claims, injuring and endangering the public, and hiding product safety. This is not just unique to Pfizer. This is happening across the board. -Melissa
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If this was a medication and the FDA came across new research that showed a medication was 4% effective they would probably take it off the market. -Dr. Sears
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We should be looking at where the vaccines are coming from and the integrity of the company, especially when faced with mandates and laws?
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While I would love to blindly trust, our children cannot afford for us to live in ignorant bliss. And I have [several] reasons to question…

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The Vaccine Conversation with Melissa & Dr. Bob [podcast]

alarm clock

California & New York were sadly the alarm clock that sounded a HUGE WAKE UP call to the masses. There’s no time for hitting snooze on this one.
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Love ALWAYS protects. Always trusts. Always hopes. Always perseveres. Love NEVER FAILS.
1 Cor. 13:7-8
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RFK Jr’s NJ State House speech, Jan. 6, 2020 – a reminder of WHY we are in the fight…
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“The four companies that produce all 72 vaccines that are mandated for American children, every one of them is a convicted felon. Since 2009, those four companies collectively have paid $35 billion dollars in criminal penalties and damages and fines for defrauding regulators, for falsifying science, for bribing doctors, for lying to the public, and for killing lots and lots of people.
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Vioxx, a drug made by Merck, they knew it would cause heart attacks. They sold it as a headache pill. They didn’t tell people, you won’t have a headache, but you might have a heart attack. Of course, if they had, not too many people would have bought it.
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So, they decided to keep it a secret. They killed a hundred and twenty thousand people minimum, probably five hundred thousand people. So I said to Adam Schiff, ‘What kind of cognitive dissonance does it require, to believe that this company, which is lying and cheating and killing with every other pharmaceutical product it makes, has found Jesus when it comes to vaccines?’ Everybody knows you can’t sue a vaccine company. That’s why we had this gold rush explosion of vaccines beginning in 1989.”
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Many do not believe vaccines harm children because the mere thought of it is so unthinkable. It requires a level of critical thinking and a loss of status & income, making most unwilling to step out of line. Those who have ears, let them hear.
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Stay vigilant, my friends. The more of us that rise up, the easier this yoke will be. The alarm clock is ringing.

Do you hear it?


“effective persuasion”

Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.
-Ezra Benson
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If the allopathic medical community were honest, they would admit (as a handful have) that they do NOT know HOW vaccines affect the immune system.
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They DO seem to believe that vaccines are “safe and effective” – but cannot tell us WHY. They DO know the schedule – but do NOT seem to realize the CDC schedule has NEVER been tested as it stands – NOR against an inert double blind placebo in clinical trials.
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So what ARE med students learning, you ask? Great question. Did you know that they probably spend more time on persuasion tactics than they do the REAL science behind vaccines??  Mind-blowing, right?!
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Read excerpts from medical school’s “Effective Persuasion Without Confrontation” propaganda, compliments of Kaiser, complete with a script!

If you are ever on the fence about firing your your doctor – or simply saying NO, please keep this in mind. A GREAT doctor will admit that science is NOT settled and will continue to research beyond pHARMa school. Read that again.
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When harm is encapsulated by health propaganda, it is akin to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
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Stay alert, my friends.


Are you vaccine hesitant?

Do you suffer from Vaccine Hesitancy (VH)?
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Symptoms may include:
bursts of common sense, connecting dots, concerns about vaccine safety, discerning truth, questioning the FDA, CDC, Big Pharma, & allopathic practices, inability to remain quiet about Vs with friends and family, firing pediatricians, and threatening pHARMa’s cash flow.
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The WHO is on the quest for 100% compliance with all vaccine schedules and is warning the world that vaccine hesitancy is causing unnecessary illness and death. They believe that 1.5 million children die each year from causes that could be prevented by vaccines. SMH.
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If you disagree with their agenda, powers that be will attempt to destroy, neutralize, or discredit you. One huge example is Merck’s “hit list” of doctors who criticized Vioxx, a drug Merck knowingly sold which caused heart attacks (88,000) and even deaths (38,000). While they agreed to pay $4.85 billion (avoiding personal-injury lawsuits of some 47,000 plaintiffs), this drug maker is not admitting fault.
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If VH is an illness, I pray it sheds and spreads faster than any live virus vaccine. Amen.
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2020 is the year for boldness! Plant. All. The. Seeds.


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Doctor hit list:

Vaxxed 2 documentary


“…it is one of the greatest tools of the enemy to use to keep our children from fulfilling their God-given destiny…” -Joni Lamb (Daystar interview with Del Bigtree and Polly Tommey)

I grapple with the right words to say after our family watched “Vaxxed 2: The People’s Truth” on one of 107 theater screens, with 11K+ in attendance nationwide. It always hits differently when you hear the stories and see the faces that are attached to the thousands of names written on the Vaxxed bus. It’s the tip of the iceberg because there are MILLIONS suffering injury.
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It’s the truth you won’t hear from the vaccine makers, but only from those who have learned the hard way and have nothing to profit from sharing their stories of heartache – except that it could save you or your child’s life.
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Paralysis, ADHD, auto immune disorders, asthma, chronic otitis media, food allergies, unexplained seizures, cancer, eczema, guillain barrè syndrome, diabetes, SIDS, ASD, etc… all adverse events. It seems the only thing rare about an adverse reaction is the media’s proper coverage of them – at least 70% of their advertising revenue comes from drug companies.
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The stress, brokenness, and isolation parents live with, while dealing with severe injuries or death, is heart-rending. Countless families who blindly trusted, not realizing doctors, many times, never read an entire insert. An uninformed doctor cannot give informed consent.
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Silencing, bullying, and shaming seems to be the name of the game – sadly, even within the church. But what should the response of the body of Christ be? Weep with those who weep? Absolutely!
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I would still be completely undone in tears if the documentary hadn’t ended on a positive note (spoiler!!), highlighting so many healthy unvaxxed kids – usually the younger siblings of injured children. Case studies under one roof! This is the REAL story they don’t want heard. The unvaccinated are NOT the threat. Don’t be deceived by the “outbreaks” – Much of what we are seeing now is vaccine-derived!
