What do I share with a loved one?

“But you don’t hold a PhD!”

Maybe you’ve heard that one before, too. Truthfully, many loved ones don’t understand the quality of resources which are available to us. Resources not taught in medical school – right at our fingertips!

Is your loved one willing to watch an eye-opening documentary or are they ready to dive into the history and science behind these jabs through literature?  I’ve got you covered for both!

Personally, I would start with the Vaxxed documentaries. Be sure to hang on for the last part of the second documentary (there are only 2) — It’s a perfect vaxxed vs unvaxxed study of siblings! They can order the DVD or choose digital streaming.


The Truth About Vaccines (docu-series)
I think the first and last videos are available to watch without purchase. However, the entire series is worth it!

The number one book I’d start with is Dissolving Illusions! It’s a more accurate peek into ???? history and how they did NOT save the day. And a surprising look into what actually did.

For a list (book) of scientific studies, Miller‘s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies, 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents is a great resource for those looking for hard facts!


I recently bought a few ???? books as a baby gift and the mama told me How to Raise a Healthy Child… in Spite of Your Doctor would be her pocket book while raising children… It’s a short but very good read!


One of my favorite websites (I have many – see resources) is… https://learntherisk.org
It was the go-to website my chiropractor recommended when asked which resource they would recommend to a new parent.

Brandy Vaughan is the mom behind this website. She used to work for big pharma as a Merck rep and started sounding the alarm when she learned the truth. While she has since passed (suspicious), her best friend now runs this site for her.

Another topic I believe very important is the issue of abortion in relation to ????. Children of God for Life has been a great resource on this topic. We are potentially injecting the DNA of another person into ours. They use cells which multiply rapidly (like cancer cells). https://cogforlife.org

Ironically, section 13.1 of every ???? insert says… “vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility.” Hmmm…

Other highly recommended resource books:

Jabbed: How the Vaccine Industry, Medical Establishment, and Government Stick It to You and Your Family by Brett Wilcox

The Moth in the Iron Lung: A Biography of Polio by Forrest Maready

Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children by Louise Kuo Habakus

VaxBaby: The Curious Parent’s Guide to Pediatric Vaccines by Forrest Maready

Unvaccinated: Why growing numbers of parents are choosing natural immunity for their children by Forrest Maready

What About Immunizations? Exposing the Vaccine Philosophy by Cynthia Cournoyer

How to End the Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley

The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers by Eli Camp Nd Dhanp

Be Your Child’s Pediatrician by Rachel Weaver M.H.

Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness by Dr. Thomas Cowan MD 

So You’re Going To Have a Baby by Adam Ringham

Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War On Children by Tim O’Shea

The Vaccine Court 2.0: Revised and Updated: The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program by Wayne Rohde

The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed by Mary Holland

Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America by Eustace Clarence Mullins

The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads by Thomas S. Cowan MD

The resource section on this website was updated recently, but many great resource videos and sites have been deleted (censored).   *sigh*

Still worth the look for a new parent. Knowledge is power in the doctor’s office!

UPDATE: Instagram name has been changed. You can now find me here: @AwakeToGraceMama

The Church of Modern Medicine

Murder by Vaccination with Eustace Mullins and “The Church of Modern Medicin3” with 4 “holy waters”:
1) Vaccination2) Fluoridation3) Silver Nitrate5) Intravenous feeding“Vaccination is really a time bomb within the human system that can go off 5 years, 10 years, 40 years after you have the vaccination… You can have a stroke, heart attack — because it’s always there in your system. You never get rid of it. And apparently, it’s always an alien force in your physique.” <— And this was before the rona jab“Modern medicine today is a $650 billion/year business.—> Keep in mind this video was posted 11 years ago.

Free pdf of Murder by Vaccination

or order hard copy retail online. 😉

honor their memory by speaking TRUTH

If truly seen as casualties for the greater good in the medical community, there would be days set aside to honor their sacrifice.

Instead, we simply honor their memories by speaking truth.

Covid-19 Vaccine Reactions (covidvaccinereactions.com)

Simone Scott: 19-year-old Northwestern University freshman develops myocarditis, receives heart transplant, dead six weeks after second Moderna mRNA injection – The COVID Blog

If you, or someone you know, is injured, please report it.

{NOT} safe

Because I’m getting questions about Rona-jab safety during pregnancy. ⠀

Two words: Not. Safe.

If/when I come across the specific VAERS source link again, I’ll update! (This IG post didn’t make it to the website before my IG account was Zuckerberged. Sigh…)
This… and so many more. Lord, help us.

we {tried} to warn you

We can all just check our brains at the door and allow them to do all of the thinking for us, or we can recall who is pushing these experimental vaccines on EVERYONE (Biden is on a mission) and remember they are NOT LIABLE FOR ANYTHING that happens to you.
And instead of proving safety, the CDC would rather make a slide presentation to boost confidence, touting safety and effectiveness. Lord, help us. –>> Vaccinate with Confidence Tips for the Healthcare Team
And the government would rather invest $1 BILLION to strengthen confidence in the vaccine program, again… instead of proving safety and effectiveness.
There’s a reason they do NOT want people sharing their injuries online:
If we can convince others that big government does not care, and pHARMa is in the business of wealth, not health (not to be confused with urgent, lifesaving care), and the “church” doesn’t hold our best interest… all other dominoes of cognitive dissonance fall more readily.

“I’m telling people to treat their vaccinated and vaccine-injured friends and family as though they are in hospice. Yes, miracles can happen in hospice, and maybe they’ll be lucky, but the covid shot is a ticking timebomb.” -Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

If we can convince others that big government does not care, and pHARMa is in the business of wealth, not health (not to be confused with urgent, lifesaving care), and the “church” doesn’t hold our best interest… all other dominoes of cognitive dissonance fall more readily.

Contrary to popular belief, there are no “FDA-approved” COVID-19 vaccines. The FDA allowed the distribution and use of Moderna’s “experimental” mRNA-1273 vaccine and Pfizer/BioNTech’s “experimental” BNT162b2 vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). This means that, if you decide to get one of these two vaccines, you are agreeing to be part of a human medical experiment.

When the professions of Public Health and Medicine collude to do away with TRUE informed consent, they become a threat to every individual.
And just how will we know for sure that when someone develops autoimmune disorders, cancers, infertility, or other health problems down the road they are, or are not, associated with these novel gene therapy biologics? They are ERASING ALL EVIDENCE of the ability to compare vaxxed vs unvaxxed. No immediate reactions does NOT mean no long-term consequences. How convenient.  –>> Moderna And Pfizer Vaccine Studies Hampered As Placebo Recipients Get Real Shot

Rona vax injury reports –>> Search Results from the VAERS Database

Schools close due to reactions:

The shots will just keep coming. When it comes to Bill Gates, how do we vote out someone we didn’t vote in? Population control is real.
This isn’t a prideful “We told you so” moment, but rather… a heartbreaking,  “We tried to warn you.

Trust the sponsors… because they cArE.

Trust sCiEnCe, sPoNsOrS, iNvEsTiGaToRs, etc. They care about your health and have nothing to gain by the $ucce$$ of this eXpErImEnTaL vaccine. Adverse effects are rare. Besides, correlation does not equal causation. It’s for the gReAtEr g0oD. (Is THAT better, IG?)

Estimated Moderna study completion date: 10.27.22



Estimated Pfizer study completion date: 1.31.23



This is all akin to a fox guarding the henhouse, no?

Brandy Vaughan

This one hits hard. RIP, Brandy Vaughn.You have been, and continue to be, an inspiration to many advocates who speak out for countless vax-injured families.You were right…
“the darkness cannot win.”
# be brave
# for the children
# truth always wins…


The post I wish didn’t have to write… by Brandy Vaughn

But given certain sudden tragedies over the last couple of years, I feel it’s absolutely necessary to post these ten facts…and please screenshot this for the record.
1. I’ve NEVER had any thoughts of taking my own life, not once, ever. Even before I had my son.
2. I have a huge mission in this life. Even when they make it very difficult and scary, I would NEVER take my own life. Period.
3. Bastien means everything to me and I would NEVER leave him. Period. I have sole custody and he needs me as much as I need him. I would NEVER think of leaving him for a second.
4. I have NEVER been on an anti-depressant nor been diagnosed as depressed — don’t believe it if you ever hear anything like this.
5. I’ve NEVER taken a daily pharmaceutical drug. And I haven’t taken any pharmaceuticals in 10 years (and ten years ago it was one pill, one day). Nothing over the counter, nothing by prescription. In other words, I’m not on anything that could kill me unexpectedly or suddenly. I’ve never done illegal drugs either. Not even once.
6. There’s no way anyone could get into my house, no robbers, no angry exes (which I don’t have btw), no fanatical people — my house is like Fort Knox…unless it was someone super professional. It just wouldn’t be possible for anyone without highly special equipment and tactics (I.e. remotely taking down my high-level security system, which they have done before, unfortunately). But my place is also highly secure in a hard-wired kinda way. So even if the power was out, most people could still never get in.
7. If something were to happen to me, it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why — given my work and mission in this life. I’m also NOT accident prone. And I got the highest health rating possible when I went through a battery of medical tests a couple of years ago for my life insurance policy.
8. If something were to happen to me, I have arranged for a close group of my friends to start a GoFundMe to hire a team of private investigators to figure out all the details (I have the team and have passed the info on to them). Oh, and money for a PR firm to make
It national news. There would be a press release sent to every journalist in this country (and more). It would not be swept under the rug, and it would be their worst nightmare.
9. There have been many on this mission or a similar one that have been killed and it’s time this bullshit stopped. The darkness cannot win.
10. I will NEVER stop speaking out for those who no longer can. Even if from the other side, where I imagine I would be FAR MORE powerful.
I have a team of angels surrounding me every step of this journey, but prayers of protection and love are ALWAYS appreciated.

when did the {medical} system change?