Vaccines: {UN}safe & Defective

Fear {sells} a mask tutorial

security without liberty is called prison

I don’t know who needs to hear this but—my freedom doesn’t end where your fear begins.
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I invite you to stay inside and order GrubHub for the rest of your life, but the rest of us would like to get back to work.

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@realcandaceowens ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀


Mainstream media: We need something to cure this virus and stop the spread to save lives!
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NYC hospitals/Shanghai, China: We’ve had successful improvements by using high doses of intravenous vitamin C. These patients are recovering better than those who aren’t.
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MSM: We need SOMETHING. Can anything save us before it gets worse?
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Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: I have cured hundreds of patients using Hydroxychloroquine sulfate, zinc, and azithromycin (z-pak) and have a 100% rate in curing Coronavirus in my patients.
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MSM: ANYTHING! This is only going to get worse, thousands of people are dying! When will this end??
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Johnson & Johnson/CDC: We will begin human testing of our fast-tracked Coronavirus vaccine. We don’t know what the side effects will be or if it will be effective at all, but we will make sure everyone receives this vaccine to save lives.
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MSM: Thank you, finally!! The answer we’ve all been waiting for!!


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Turn off the teLIEvision & research:

HR 5736 Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 :: to authorize the domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended primarily for foreign audiences, and for other purposes.
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National Defense Authorization Act 2013 (signed by Obama) :: The amendment — proposed by Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and passed in the House — would effectively nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion.

Research Operation Mockingbird — Our media is controlled.


Wake Up, Church!

Like many, we watched a church service online, as most church buildings closed their doors, due to government restrictions… for a virus.
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I won’t get into how I feel about the church doors closing in this post, but I will tell you what made my heart sink as we listened [live] to one of our favorite ministers in this season. He began to explain the importance of precaution and expressed hope that they are working on medicine… and then he spoke the word I was hoping he would NOT mention in this context…… Vaccines. *Sigh*  My husband changed the channel. I’m not here to slander this minister, but to simply share this…
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Many years ago, when my husband and I pastored a church, we were not aware of the evils behind the vax industry — nor did we know ANYONE who questioned them. If they did, they remained SILENT. We didn’t understand the carcinogenic toxins, nor the abuse of aborted babies. If only someone had planted a seed.
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We can allow ourselves to look back with regret at all the things we wish we would have done differently, the brokenness lying in the past. Or… We can look forward to the hope set before us, while sharing the hope within us to those who are unaware.
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Sadly, everyone will not be ready to comprehend the deception they allowed themselves to embrace — to have their entire belief system shaken. Those who have ears, let them hear.
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However, for those who are awake, silence is not a luxury. Let us NOT remain voiceless while many people, Christ followers, LEADERS, are blinded to the point of NOT recognizing this growing darkness.
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I’m praying for the church to WAKE UP.
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If you would like a copy of the documents I have been mailing to churches, PLEASE send me an email at —

There is a time to be silent and a time to SPEAK (Ecclesiastes 3:7).


Flu 1976

They can come out tomorrow and tell me there’s gonna be an epidemic. And they can drop off like flies next to me, I will not take another shot that my government tells me to take.
-Mr. Roberts, husband to Judy Roberts, who was diagnosed with GBS – following the influenza vaccine
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60 minutes 1976


I am missing a portion of this video from my original IG post, but here is a full copy, if you’re able to catch it before it’s deleted:

Imagine living in a world when reporters asked the important questions.
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Seems the head of the CDC didn’t know a lot of things… even then.


find {hope} in Jesus

Once you’ve gone down the rabbit hole, you don’t come back the same, right? And finding a new rhythm in this life can be a challenge.
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I feel the weight of heaviness in your question. What do we do? When you understand that the agenda is much bigger than “just” vaccines. Or when you comprehend the dark evil that has infiltrated the political system, religious leaders, and the entertainment industry you once trusted.
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Slow down. Breathe deeper. Hug harder. Find hope in Jesus. Encourage someone. Put your bare feet in the grass. Take supplements. Prep. Wash all the things. Surround yourself in sunlight, trees, and salty waves. But, most importantly, listen to the GOOD NEWS of the gospel. Fill up on so much good that it drowns out the voice of the enemy.
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Real life is messy, downright rocky at times. We were never promised it would be easy. But we WERE promised that He would walk through the fire with us. He’s got you. If you don’t know Him, let me introduce you to Jesus. John 3:16


vaccination is {NOT} immunization

No child is born with an intact immune system. During the first 2 years of life the immune system is trying desperately to organize. Despite extravagant claims by the medical community, how that immune system is actually assembled by the body is still largely unknown.
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We could study our entire lives and barely scratch the surface of God’s design.
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What IS known for certain is that subjecting the infant’s immune environment to an array of man-made pathogens, preservatives, and adjuvants absolutely can have a deleterious [harmful; injurious] effect on the formation of that child’s brain and nervous system. All scientists – including the vaccine manufacturers – admit as much. Doctors ARE speaking out.


For more information, I highly recommend watching The Truth About Vaccines series.
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Tim O’Shea, Vaccination Is Not Immunization: The War on Children and The Truth About Vaccines (series)

risking ridicule and reputation

It is a religious belief when you present a physician, or somebody who believes it and doesn’t know why they believe it, with contrary information – they immediately get very defensive, angry, incensed, and furious. I understand that because it means that everything they have been taught is topsy-turvy and really messed up. If that’s true, then they’ve been lied to.
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They’re not consciously thinking all of this, but I’ve analyzed it… Everything they’ve been taught, they’ve been lied to. If that’s not true, then what else isn’t true? I’ve had doctors tell me —- I don’t want to know anymore because I’ll have to change the way I practice and I just can’t do that. It’s overwhelming.
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Some doctors who are really smart can’t hear it. They’re yelling at me —- You’re a quack and you’re dangerous and you’re killing patients.
– Dr. Toni Bark, The Truth About Vaccines

Dr. Toni, brave enough to question the status quo, risking ridicule and reputation. You truly were, and still are, one of the best – a fearless health freedom activist.
RIP… @doctorsensation

you’re doing {good} work, mama.

Hallmark gives me all the emotions in this commercial. Might want to grab some tissues.

pt 2

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Her children rise up and call her blessed… Proverbs 31:28

You’re doing good work, mama.
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I see you running this race, trying to keep up the pace.
Raising your voice, screaming — We want medical choice!
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One hand holding a sign “made with aborted fetal cells” –
the other holding mine, wondering what history will tell.
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This message is important, exhausting at times.
I see it in your face – they should pay for their crimes.
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To open the eyes of a loved one, a stranger, a neighbor, is the goal.
Alerting the masses can take its toll.
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When you tuck me in at night, although I don’t say it,
you’re a blessing to me. God’s definition of beauty.
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Keep fighting the good fight. Let’s finish this race.
The Lord goes before us. Let’s pause in His embrace.
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Lean on me, says the Lord. See the enemy flee.
Vengeance is coming – let it be with Me.
