Back in 2009, the Gates Foundation funded the trial of Gardasil (Merck) on nearly sixteen thousand poor and vulnerable tribal school children of the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. Many among those children fell terribly ill and at least five died.⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀
At around the same time they conducted the trial of Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) on some fourteen thousand tribal children in Vadodara a place in Gujarat, India. Hundreds of those children fell terribly ill and at least two died.⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
Upon investigation it was found that in both cases consent forms were forged.⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀In Andhra Pradesh out of the 9,543 forms, 1,948 forms had thumb impressions while hostel wardens had signed 2,763 forms. In Gujarat, out of 6,217 forms, 3,944 had thumb impressions and 5,454 either signed or carried thumb impressions of guardians. The data revealed that a very large number of parents or guardians, coerced into signing, were illiterate and could not even write in their local languages.
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The children and their parents maintained that they did not give informed consent and that they were not aware that they were taking part in the trial of an untested drug.
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Some were told the drug was a new medicine that would prevent a range of diseases, including malaria.
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Just because these children are poor and vulnerable does not mean that they deserve to be treated as guinea pigs for illegal and dangerous drug trials by pharmaceutical companies.
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Children used in those trials claimed to have suffered problems, including: weight loss, fatigue, dizziness, menstrual problems, etc., etc. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
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Eventually, the Gates Foundation was brought under trial in the Supreme Court of India and kicked out of the country, refusing to be victims of these Nazi-like experiments.
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Gates, quite the philanthropist, is working on a universal flu vaccine for us. Praying someone introduces Bill to Jesus. Soon. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀woketxmama.
Author: admin
Common Sense
I’m not anti-vaccine, I’m pro common sense.
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It’s common sense to question why a Doctor would force vaccinating a child against an STD on the day of their birth when both parents are clean.
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It’s common sense to disagree with the legality of my Doctor receiving bonuses based on the number of patients he vaccinates.
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It’s common sense to question the integrity of a 60 billion dollar industry that successfully bought legislation that makes them free of all liability when they cause harm.
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It’s common sense to be concerned when vaccine producers “donate” millions of dollars every year to the people who help determine the suggested vaccine schedule. (Academy of Pediatrics)
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It’s common sense to question the integrity of a system where the former Director of the CDC is now Vice President for the largest vaccine producer in the world.
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It’s common sense to “actually” read the box insert before vaccinating.
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It’s common sense to weigh the risk verses benefit, like any other medication.
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It’s common sense to find out for yourself the number of people that have been adversely affected by vaccines.
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It’s common sense that it’s wrong to pay injured families only if they agree to be silent about their adverse reactions.
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It’s common sense that the number of adverse reactions are flawed because most go unreported.
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It’s common sense that when “risk of death” is listed as a side effect on a vaccine, for a disease that isn’t life threatening, it might not be worth giving to my healthy child.
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It’s common sense to question western medicine when 60 years ago they encouraged pregnant women to smoke.
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It’s common sense to question western medicine because of how long they knew cigarettes cause cancer, but remained silent due to the amount of money that was involved.
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It’s common sense to be weary of everything when our country is the sickest it has ever been.
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It’s common sense that most people aren’t willing to do the research, but I was, and I won’t stop the pursuit of a less corrupt medical system.
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I’m not anti-vaccine, I’m pro common sense.
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-Judith Arancibia
My reasons
Just a couple of reasons…
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The reasons we chose homeschool when it wasn’t cool.
The reasons I’ve spent countless hours researching preventative health.
The reasons I’ve put 7 bajillion miles (give or take a few) on our car
driving all across one of the largest cities in the USA.
The reasons I wouldn’t trade those mom-taxi conversations for the world.
The reasons I’ve dropped everything when they needed me…
and even sometimes when they thought they didn’t.
The reasons I speak out against injustice.
The reasons I push towards a better version of myself.
And just 2 of the reasons I continually seek His face
Two very good reasons.
Mama loves you!!! (circa 2006-7?)
“man is not free unless government is limited”
Why have many, myself included, become more vocal about the topic of vaccines? Well, I’m glad you asked…
As recently as 2015, every state recognized the right of individuals to opt out of vaccinations for reasons of personal and religious conviction or medical need.
In California, ALL 3 exemptions were available until Governor Jerry Brown signed SB277 into law, removing philosophical & religious exemptions, leaving ONLY a medical option.
In 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB276, removing California’s last exemption, at the dismay of many, putting ALREADY vax injured children at risk.
No matter where your vaccine opinion lands (pro, ex, anti, neutral), this should alert spidey-senses in every citizen, turning concern into action! If it doesn’t, “health” agencies have successfully reprogrammed you to accept the theory that vaccines are necessary for survival.
Spoiler Alert: They are NOT!
Other states are following in California’s footsteps. The time to reach out to our representatives and educate our neighbors is NOW. Before it’s too late.
Please see https://freedomkeepersunited.org/ to connect with groups forming in your district.
“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts.” -Ronald Reagan
(The irony of a Reagan quote is not lost on me. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, look up the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.)
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance. If you’ve tried to warn family and friends of the dangers of vaccination, I’m sure you’ve experienced the backlash of their reaction. It can be hurtful and downright heartbreaking. Marcella Piper-Terry, an independent researcher, ties this up nicely. Read to the end…
You know how when you first start sharing information about vaccines and friends start unfriending you? Especially if those friends are nurses, or otherwise in “the healthcare field?”
Here’s what I think is happening…
The more information is shared, the more people are waking up and refusing to harm their children just because those we have been taught to “obey without question” say so.
It’s like the military. You don’t go against orders, no matter what it is that you are ordered to do.
In every war, there have been horrific atrocities perpetuated against the innocent. In those situations, it is often later revealed that the soldiers who committed the atrocities were “acting on direct orders” from a superior; someone they have been taught to “obey without question.”
In wartime situations, those who commit the atrocities are often the ones who are the most defensive of what they have done, and when someone (particularly another soldier) stands up and refuses to follow orders because what is being ordered goes against their moral and ethical codes, that person is labeled a “traitor.” I believe the reason the person who stands up is so vehemently attacked is NOT because those who followed orders believe he or she is wrong. It’s the opposite.
When soldiers blindly follow orders that go against their moral and ethical code (conscience, intuition, etc.), there is a deep knowledge that what they have done is wrong. They attempt to assuage their guilt by telling themselves (and the system supports this), “I had no choice. It was a direct order.”
When a soldier demonstrates that there IS A CHOICE, and it IS POSSIBLE to follow one’s moral compass when what one is being ordered to do is wrong, it shakes the foundation and removes the excuse for those who have simply “followed orders.”
As a soldier who is demonstrating to the world that you will not follow orders, and that you will stand up for what is right, you demonstrate not only your strength; you also demonstrate the cowardice of those who are too afraid to go against the status quo, and those who have already followed orders and are too afraid to consider that they may have contributed to the harming of their own innocent children.
The shift is happening. The truth is coming out. There is a lot of enlightenment that is occurring very rapidly, and there are going to be a LOT of people who will be seeking our help, and looking to us to share what we have learned.
A lot of people will also be going through the most painful revelations they could ever imagine, and as they grieve, they will go through the anger stage before they get to acceptance and finally, hopefully, be able to forgive themselves.
Baby’s first shots
Pregnant? Congratulations!! Here are just a few details you need to know…
The Hep B vaccine given on the first day of life has been linked to:
serious autoimmune disorders, autism, Bell’s palsy, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, RA, Guillian-Barre syndrome, lupus, encephalitis, anaphylactic shock, optic neuritis, and death.
The primary reason that the CDC recommended hepatitis B vaccination for ALL newborns in the United States in 1991 was because public health officials and doctors could not persuade adults in high risk groups (primarily IV drug users and persons with multiple sexual partners) to get the vaccine.
The Vitamin K shot, also given within minutes of your baby’s first breath, it NOT a vitamin and comes with a BLACK BOX WARNING of DEATH, the highest warning a pharmaceutical can have.
There is a reason babies comes out with lower Vitamin K levels — to be able to squeeze its head through the pelvic area during birth. Also, stem cells from cord blood can pass easily throughout the body and brain to repair any damage after delivery. Delayed cord clamping is ideal until it stops pulsing, returning the remaining 1/3 of the baby’s own blood volume. A newborn baby is not able to process the synthetic Vitamin K shot, which can cause liver toxicity from the benzyl alcohol (know any babies with severe jaundice?). The baby’s blood, turning about 7,000 times thicker than normal, makes it challenging for those stem cells to do their job.
It seems as though God knew what He was doing in the original design. And He said it was good. If it’s good enough for Him, it’s good enough for me.
To read vax ingredients and adverse effects: https://vaccine.guide/
Sources & more information:
The Truth About Cancer
Dr. Mercola
Dr. Devra Davis – The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation
Essential Life (oils)
Vaccine Education
CDC Vaccine Excipient List
Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
Children’s Health Defense
HARVARD study (less than 1% injuries reported)
Just the Inserts
lifesitenews.com (search “vaccines”)
Physicians for Informed Consent
Supreme Court states Vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”
Truth Snitch
V is for Vaccine
Vaccine document (MANY resources)
vaccine adverse reactions (and ingredients) app
Injured?? Report to VAERS
Vaccine Guides:
Ashley Everly
vaccine.guide online OR pdf format
Sarah Peterson, contact to order sarah@kismetwebdesign.com
1670+ pages (835 front/back) of information neatly organized into 52 tabs in a 4-inch binder. Contents include: CDC Vaccination Schedules, Alternative Schedules, Vaccine Ingredient List, Vaccine Aluminum Levels, studies on Synergistic Toxicity, Info on how vaccines contribute to food allergies, U.S. Disease Statistics for the last several decades, Pharmaceutical vaccine inserts for every vaccine on the current schedule, from every manufacturer currently producing it, studies on individual vaccines, The Corvela Reports, Vit C Protocol, Tamilflu/Relenza inserts & studies, Vaccine Inserts from vaccines you’d need to travel or live overseas, U.S. Military studies, a copy of the National Vaccine Injury Act, legal cases won, Identifying Vaccine Reactions, info on Informed Consent, VAERS Reporting System, State Exemptions, ICAN lawsuits, studies on Vaccine Safety & Design, Autism studies, studies on Aluminum, Thimerosol, Genetic Sensitivities, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Auto Immune Disease, MTHFR, and other Adverse Events. (The binders are $125, which covers the cost of printing and organizing it all into the binder, shipping is included too. If you’d like a flash drive of the files included too (tucked into the front cover), add $5 – making the total price $130)
Sacrificial Virgins
1986: The Act
Trace Amounts
The Truth About Vaccines
Vaxxed I & II
Search Lectures online by:
Brandy Vaughan, former Merck rep & creator of learntherisk.org
Congressman Posey on CDC Whistleblower William Thompson
Marcella Piper Terry, Researcher
YouTube channel
Toni Bark, MD
Dissolving Illusions, by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD & Roman Bystrianyk
How to End the Autism Epidemic, by J.B. Handley
Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies, 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents, by Neil Z. Miller
The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers, by Eli Camp Nd Dhanp
For Children:
Vaccine-Free Me: A Trip To The Doctor, by Reed Dafaqs
Sarah Does Not Want to be Vaccinated, by Andreas Bachmair
The Vaccine Conversation with Melissa and Dr. Bob
The Agenda
Rise of the New World Order: The Culling of Man (1), by J. Micah’el Thomas Hays
(FREE online)
2015 Naomi Wolf exposes fake news
2010 Rockefeller’s “Lock Step” Document coming to life
Questioning Covid
mask vs no mask
America: Freedom to Fascism -full
Your Rights
The Healthy American, Peggy Hall
and icandecide
Sowing Seed (garden)
Prep List
A Diabetes Connection
Pertussis, Mumps, Rubella
The federal medical establishment – which would be the major source of funds for an investigation – is itself highly committed to the childhood vaccination program, which goes far to explain the absence of any official interest in this connection.
At least since the 1970s, PERTUSSIS vaccine has been known in animal experiments to stimulate over-production of insulin by the pancreas – followed by exhaustion and destruction of the islets cells with consequent under-production of insulin; in the first case the outcome is hypoglycemia, and in the latter it is diabetes. Physicians as early as 1949 called attention to low blood glucose in children who had severe reactions to the pertussis vaccine.
The MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, especially its MUMPS and RUBELLA components, has been especially implicated in the causation of Type-I diabetes.
In the 1960’s and 1970’s, researchers came to realize that the effect of the rubella virus does not end at the moment of birth, but that it remains in the organism of the baby and continues to exert its influence for many years thereafter. Especially to be noted is the fact that up to 20 percent of these individuals later come down with Type-I diabetes. This may take from 5 to 20 years to develop, indicating that the rubella virus remains active in the organism for all that time.
“The mechanism of virus-induced diabetes is not known. Viruses associated with diabetes in animals may cause disease by (1) directly lysing [i.e., dissolving] the beta-cells; (2) triggering an autoimmune response; or (3) specifically impairing the secretory process of beta-cells through a persistent infection.” -E.J. Mayfield and colleagues.
He concluded that option (2) was the most probable one: the generation of an autoimmune state in which the body, as it were, becomes allergic to itself or to a part of itself.
Diabetes after a rubella vaccination probably represents a combined effect: the virus attacks the islet cells of the pancreas in an organism which has already been weakened by an autoimmune reaction to the same virus.
There is copious evidence of a causal relationship between clinical mumps and subsequent development of diabetes..woketxmamaSource:
Childhood Vaccinations and
Juvenile-Onset (Type-1) Diabetes
by Harris Coulter, Ph.D. President, Center for Empirical Medicine (Testimony before the Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations, subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies) -
Triggered brain inflammation?
There is such a disconnect with vaccines and seizures. However, it is listed as a side effect on most vaccine product inserts by the manufacturers and can result in chronic seizure disorders and/or epilepsy.
Toxic ingredients in vaccines, even in tiny amounts, canNOT be cleared properly from our bodies through the usual biological detox methods, interpret as – that robust, God-given immune system He entrusted us to care for.
Absorption rates for injected toxins are far higher than when the same toxins are ingested. These toxins often accumulate in the brain, which can trigger brain inflammation and cause seizures.
The widespread underreporting of vaccine adverse effects to VAERS (less than one percent) leads many to a dangerous false security in vaccine safety, a deceiving assumption that the “benefits” of vaccination far outweigh the risks.
“The science of VACCINES IS HALF-BAKED! No risk assessment numbers of adverse affects from vaccines versus not taking them, no double-blind studies, just fear and arrogant dumb academics pushing medieval science.”
-Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email
Febrile seizures represent a serious adverse event following MMR vaccination. The risk of febrile seizures increases 2 to 5 times on the day of administration of an inactivated vaccine and on days 5 to 14 following a live attenuated vaccine.
There are significantly elevated risks of febrile seizures on the day of receipt of DTP vaccine and 8 to 14 days after the receipt of MMR vaccine.
The administration of the flu vaccine on the same day as either PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine) or a DTaP-containing vaccine was associated with a greater risk of febrile seizures.
Seizures among adults and children following influenza vaccination using health insurance claims data.
Increased febrile convulsions occurred after administration of influenza vaccine.
MMRV vaccine dose in children aged 10-24 months was associated with an elevated risk of seizure or febrile seizure.
Measles vaccine and encephalopathy.
Detected the expected increased febrile seizures risk post MMR1 vaccine at 12 months.
Autoimmunity appears from… ?
Raise your hand if you suffer with an overactive immune system!
Repeated immunization with antigens causes systemic autoimmunity in mice otherwise not prone to spontaneous autoimmune diseases.
Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigens, to the levels that surpass system’s self-organized criticality.
PMID 20046868