Organ donation is such a heart-wrenching subject, but it’s been a hot topic lately – in light of recent deaths, seemingly associated with vaccination.
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All LIFE is sacred. And exhausting every effort to save the life of a loved one does NOT mean that you value the life of another any less.
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I’m not here to debate this issue, as I’m sure several of us know lives that have been impacted by donation, on either side. However, it’s important to understand what doesn’t get explained when we agree to the small print.
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Decisions on organ donation are usually based on personal experiences and/or trust in what we’ve been told. But are we truly informed?
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Here are some statements presented by Dr. Paul Byrne, a Board Certified Neonatologist and Pediatrician, from the videos sourced below:
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In the US, we get more organs from drug overdose than we do from accidents and gunshot wounds combined. (Interesting, considering how highly dosed our culture has become.)
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Every organ that is transplanted is taken from a living person. The term “brain dead” was invented so that viable beating hearts and other organs could be harvested for transplant.
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NO ONE should have an apnea test. This involves being disconnected from the ventilator for up to 10 minutes, which can make the condition worse or even cause death. If you fail the apnea test, your respirator is reconnected and you will now be called a beating-heart cadaver (BHC).
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In a living person, a ventilator pushes air in, but THEY push the air out. A ventilator will only be affective in the living, as a truly dead person loses elastic properties, which make them unable to push air out.
Life on earth is a continuum from beginning until “true death.” No one should be declared dead until the destruction of the circulatory system, the respiratory system, and the entire brain.When you check “no” to organ donation, it does not get recorded any place. It’s only the “yes” answer that gets recorded. If you do not wish to donate, renew your ID removing yourself from the state’s list, as well as, removing your name from the donor “yes” list at Donate Life. AND make SURE your friends and family know your wishes, as they will ultimately be the ones making decisions on your behalf at such a vulnerable time.
This is a tough one, I know… bathe it in prayer and education.woketxmama⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
For more information, please read Dr. Paul Byrne’s website:
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Brain Death verses True Death:Don’t be an organ donor:
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Risks and Outcomes of Living Donation :
Author: admin
“safe” vaccines
What do people mean when they demand a safer vaccine?
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Safe vaccine. That has always struck me as an oxymoron.
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Which ingredients should they leave in while making them safe? Truth is, they would need to be modified so much, we’d be forced to label them as something entirely different… if health was truly the end goal.
While I appreciate the petition for something safer, can we please stop asking for “safer vaccines” this year? Instead, we should be demanding transparency and freedom.
The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used. -James R. Shannon, National Institutes of Health
Cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person. -New York Press, Jan. 26, 1909, from a report by W.B. Clark
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A Shot in the Dark
Things that make you go… hmmmmm.
we share to warn others
“I have to say something that has bothered me in the last 24 hours. There is a very vocal mother on Instagram who posted that her 3 month old has encephalitis with little detail on what happened. So obviously many concerned parents of injured children just asked could it have been the vaccines?? These parents were mocked and ridiculed.
As a parent who experienced intense pain when both my kids were diagnosed, I am so thankful for the people who spoke the truth! We don’t know the full story but sharing on social media with little details, people will ask questions. Parents please keep sharing your stories on what happened to your kids. If it helps one person connect the dots, it’s worth it!! Injury and death happen, it’s not every circumstance – but bringing it up as a concern should not be ridiculed or mocked!!
It’s so sad what is happening on social media. We are not an agenda or a propaganda anti vax group, we are ex vaxxers who are warning you and helping you put the pieces together.”
– Stephanie Eileen
travel vaccines
Holidays, missionary work, etc… I’ve received more than a few messages about travel vaccines lately. Here is what @learntherisk had to say…
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Did you know that as a traveler your risk of DYING from the yellow fever VACCINE is HIGHER than the risk of actually contracting yellow fever?
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This peer-reviewed expert study shows more deaths from the YF vaccine than incidence of getting disease: From 1990 to the present, the number of cases (n = 31) and deaths (n = 12) from YEL-AVD in travelers has exceeded the reports of YF (n = 6) acquired by natural infection, raising the question whether the risk of vaccination exceeds the benefit in travelers.
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And since countries don’t check vaccine status of tourists, think twice before heading to that travel vaccine clinic…because they only make money if they make you a customer.
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NVIC: Some countries will allow you entrance without particular vaccines but will not allow you to leave the country and travel to another country without getting certain vaccines. Be sure you understand vaccination requirements for entering AND exiting foreign countries, including the U.S. (especially in light of the upcoming rona vaccine).
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Dr. Suzanne Humphries recommends assessing which illnesses are a problem where you intend to travel. Learn how to prevent and treat them… then weigh your actual need to travel to that location.
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What we sometimes see as short term necessity could render long term consequences. Weigh the risks. ⠀⠀
Are you vaccine hesitant?
Do you suffer from Vaccine Hesitancy (VH)?
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Symptoms may include:
bursts of common sense, connecting dots, concerns about vaccine safety, discerning truth, questioning the FDA, CDC, Big Pharma, & allopathic practices, inability to remain quiet about Vs with friends and family, firing pediatricians, and threatening pHARMa’s cash flow.
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The WHO is on the quest for 100% compliance with all vaccine schedules and is warning the world that vaccine hesitancy is causing unnecessary illness and death. They believe that 1.5 million children die each year from causes that could be prevented by vaccines. SMH.
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If you disagree with their agenda, powers that be will attempt to destroy, neutralize, or discredit you. One huge example is Merck’s “hit list” of doctors who criticized Vioxx, a drug Merck knowingly sold which caused heart attacks (88,000) and even deaths (38,000). While they agreed to pay $4.85 billion (avoiding personal-injury lawsuits of some 47,000 plaintiffs), this drug maker is not admitting fault.
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If VH is an illness, I pray it sheds and spreads faster than any live virus vaccine. Amen.
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2020 is the year for boldness! Plant. All. The. Seeds.
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Doctor hit list:
Dear Pro-vaxxer…
The following was written by @insta_ashleyeverly
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Dear Pro-vaxxer,
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As someone who once believed in vaccines, who vaccinated my child, I’m asking you to hear me out.
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I know you might think I am either (1) stupid, (2) uneducated, or (3) crazy. I know you think questioning vaccine safety is akin to believing in conspiracy theories. I know you are angered to think that there are people putting children in harm’s way because of the increasing rate of vaccine refusal.
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I understand that. I 100% appreciate the fact that you care about children, that you care about health, and that you want the best for your family and for the rest of us.
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I know you find the practice of vaccination to be an incredible scientific advancement that you are deeply thankful for. I know you believe in the benevolence and good will of those in the medical profession. I know you believe that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risk of harm. I know you believe that vaccines save lives, and that with them we have eradicated horrible diseases and made the world a safer place, for everyone.
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HOW truly INSPIRING and absolutely wonderful is that to believe? To believe that humans have changed and can continue to change the course of history, the threat of disease morbidity and mortality, through medical innovation? That is an incredible idea and reality that many of us REALLY WANT to believe…
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How difficult and frustrating would it then be, to have those beliefs challenged? And for medical professionals, to have one of the main tenets of their profession and life purpose be questioned, and attacked?
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It would feel terrible, insulting, and like all that is right in this world, everything you know that exists to protect your children, is being threatened by misguided idiots and those who want to watch the world burn. How could anyone possibly want to see polio return? Measles? Mumps? Whooping cough? To make everyone vulnerable and needlessly put in harm’s way, again?
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—— I get it. No really, I do. What I am hoping for, is that you might just heed our warning, and make an effort to dive deep into the research on this subject. So what, you know what you know, and the entire medical system and all of these great pediatricians KNOW that vaccines are “safe and effective”. Well what if that’s not actually… true?What if doctors never actually learn about vaccines, their ingredients, or adverse events, in medical school? What if the medical textbooks are written with an enormous amount of funding from the pharmaceutical industry? What if the CDC owns patents on vaccines? What if the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt and funds studies which conveniently stop monitoring test subjects before adverse effects begin to manifest? What if vaccines contain toxic substances at levels which can cause chronic illness when children are repeatedly injected with them? What if we are trading temporary illness for the development of autoimmune and neurological disease later in life? What if the threat and danger of these “preventable” diseases has been inflated to push more vaccines? What if these vaccines are not even truly effective as we have been led to believe and we will always need more booster shots to try to make up for that fact? What if there is evidence for all of the above, you just haven’t seen it yet?
Listen… If you want to vaccinate, then do so. I hope though that you might keep an open mind and genuinely take time to look into this for yourself, beyond the claims of our government and medical system which ignore or are unaware of the massive amount of evidence that contradicts those claims. Please take caution and know that I don’t do this to be popular. I don’t do this to make friends.
The only reason I speak out, is to protect my children and your children, from unnecessary harm. Truly.
With love.
everyone is affected
Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. -Benjamin Franklin⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
But the truth is… Everyone IS affected. They just don’t understand it yet.
{HOSPITOL} signatures
Oh be careful little pen what you sign.
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While I prefer naturopathic remedies, there may come a time when allopathic care is needed, especially in an emergency.
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It’s good to know what to expect before you are handed a detailed contract to sign in a hospital — feeling vulnerable and, often times, in a hurry. What are you signing, or what are the implications, if something were to go wrong? ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
1. Ask for a PRINTED version of anything digital. READ what you are signing. Fine print is important. If it’s an emergency situation, it’s a great idea to have a friend or family member assist you.
2. ASK questions. Don’t let the white coats intimidate you.
3. Take a STAND. EDIT parts of the paperwork that you are not comfortable with or do not understand. And ADD (write in) important information missed, especially when it comes to refusing biologics!
4. Be prepared to walk, if needed. (Federal law requires that treatment be provided in a true emergency, even if you refuse to agree to certain clauses.)
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Again… all part of a bigger agenda. This is bigger than pHARMa.
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Consent for surgery:
“conspiracy theorist”
It’s the label BIG government uses to suppress opposition… conspiracy theorist.
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But who is the conspiracy theorist??
Thalidomide Scandal: “wonder drug” sedative marketed as non-toxic and harmless for pregnant mothers experiencing morning sickness. It killed and malformed thousands of babies.
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Johnson & Johnson: From at least 1971 to the early 2000s, tests showed asbestos could sometimes be found in the company’s raw talc and finished powders – did not disclose the issue to regulators or the public.
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Testing AIDS drugs on foster children: exposed a vulnerable population to the risks of medical research and drugs that were known to have serious side effects in adults and for which the safety for children was unknown.
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Prison sterilizing female inmates without approval: Former inmates and prisoner advocates interviewed by CIR say that prison medical staff coerced the women into the surgeries.
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If that’s not enough, research:
The battle against big Tobacco
Operation Paperclip
Agenda 21
Operation Northwoods
Operation Ranch Hand
Operation Tiger
Operation Large Area Coverage
Project Monarch
Project Mockingbird
Tuskegee Study
The Malaria Project
Veterans used in secret experiments
Guatemalan Syphilis Study
Vioxx Scandal
Merck creating a list to destroy, neutralize, or discredit dissenting doctors.
Let’s do our homework before putting labels on people. Amen?
the {new} mmr = same song & dance
It’s the very definition of insanity. We cannot continue doing the same thing and expect different results.
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Ready for a “new” MMR that has NOT been tested against a true placebo? How about a “new” MMR that IS made using aborted fetal cells?
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Nothing has changed (except the price tag, it seems). Same song and dance.
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This new “MMR-RIT” vaccine is not safer nor more effective than the MMR-II.
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Getting ready for an MMR outbreak, GlaxoSmithKline?? How about we finish the Merck MMR court case first, eh?
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For the full article, visit: