Trust the sponsors… because they cArE.

Trust sCiEnCe, sPoNsOrS, iNvEsTiGaToRs, etc. They care about your health and have nothing to gain by the $ucce$$ of this eXpErImEnTaL vaccine. Adverse effects are rare. Besides, correlation does not equal causation. It’s for the gReAtEr g0oD. (Is THAT better, IG?)

Estimated Moderna study completion date: 10.27.22

Estimated Pfizer study completion date: 1.31.23

This is all akin to a fox guarding the henhouse, no?

old remedies don’t profit pharma


There were always other simpler, cheaper, and more helpful means to combat diseases. However, if a remedy couldn’t be patented or given the AMA seal of acceptance, it generally would not have ranked in the public or medical eye.
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A 2009 study in the Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery showed cinnamon to be effective in hospital acquired infections and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
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In the majority of cases the person so treated [with cinnamon] escaped the disease [measles] altogether, or else had it in very mild form. -Dr. Drummond, 1919
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In 1899, Dr. C. G. Grant discovered that persons working in cinnamon gardens seemed to be immune to malaria. On trial, he found it valuable in gastroenteritis, recurrent boils, influenza, and he believes typhoid fever, as well.
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Diffusing all of the fall & Christmas oils, especially cinnamon, is one of my all. time. faves! Give me all of the oils!

Don’t get me wrong, I am truly thankful we have trauma care. If I’m ever in a life-altering wreck, please do not throw cinnamon on me and call it a day.  BUT when it comes to “health” care, God created our bodies… as well as the solutions. Amen?!

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Dissolving Illusions with Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, Lost Remedies ch. 16

coverup & conflicts of interest

“Oh my God, I can’t believe we did what we did,” Thompson confessed to Hooker on tape.


The telephone tapes, and Thompson’s copies of shredded data are the basis of the 2016 documentary film, Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.
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Other evidence of widespread CDC corruption includes a 2009 Department of Health and Human Services report which found that 97 percent of committee members sitting on vaccine advisory panels had undisclosed ties to the $30 billion vaccine industry (1.23.17).
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The fact that the CDC itself owns 56 vaccine patents (as of 1.17.17) suggests an enormous conflict of interest within the agency which buys and sells more than $4 billion in vaccine stock every year.

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Source (with link to the HHS report): ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
(childhood-diabetes-vaccine link is something to look into as well.)