The Church of Modern Medicine

…let he who has ears…
Many are starting to realize that we are the frog in the boiling pot. But... How did the frog get in the pot to begin with? Was western medicine always this way? History is important...
How one man took down America.
Speaking of history, click here!
Slide text:
Merriam-Webster dictionary has quietly changed the definition of the term ‘vaccine’ to include components of the COVID-19 mRNA injection. The definition of vaccine was specifically changed due to the COVID-19 injection.
The definition of ‘vaccine’ as of February 5th 2021:
A vaccine used to be “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease”, meaning it had nothing to do with mRNA injections, which are not live vaccines and do not use an infectious element.
Why do you suppose they are working so hard to classify the corona jab as a vaccine , when it falls more in line with gene therapy? Maybe trying to ride the coattail of the lack of liability that goes along with vaccines, due to the act of 1986?Part B: Additional Remedies - Sets forth procedures under which the person who filed a petition for compensation under the program may elect to file a civil action for damages. Provides that no vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death: (1) resulting from unavoidable side effects; or (2) solely due to the manufacturer's failure to provide direct warnings. Provides that a manufacturer may be held liable where: (1) such manufacturer engaged in the fraudulent or intentional withholding of information; or (2) such manufacturer failed to exercise due care. Permits punitive damages in such civil actions under certain circumstances.
There is no "withholding of information" when medical professionals are not fully educated on immunology and vaccinology. An uninformed doctor cannot give true informed consent.
Remember, THIS is with LESS THAN 1% of injuries being reported... openvaers.com
Here’s the takeaway:
don’t blindly trust the media
masks and social distancing are pointless
COVID-19 is about as serious as influenza (which isn’t very serious)
a COVID-19 vaccine isn’t necessary
go back to living a normal life.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 (as of Nov) Even with Jan & December of 2020 added, the numbers do NOT justify a worldwide mandatory lockdown, mask, nor vaccine. Additionally, these numbers do not tell the whole story... Will history books include the death count to reflect those who died from suicide? loneliness? abuse? flawed medical treatment? Will the truth be told about false positive tests? (coca-cola tested positive, for goodness sake) Or the fact that this virus has never been isolated?? (hint: you will not find the truth on the first page of google - dig deeper) Will history mention families angered by a doctored COD on death certificates? What about bribes for loved ones if they claim COD as "covid"?? I will never {EVER} trust a government which systematically poisons our air, food, and water.
"If it was truly a pandemic, no one would be talking about stats like this, trying to prove it was a pandemic. And you wouldn’t have to be tested to know you have it..."
"In a real pandemic, medical professionals wouldn't have time for TikToks."
"How will we know if the vaccine is working? Will the survival rate go from 99.7% to 99.8%?"
"Give an inch and they take... everything!"
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
2 Tim. 1:7
lying about numbers
+++disclaimer: I am not denying that people have been sick with a virus. This is simply a gentle reminder that viruses mutate. It's what they do.
Make common sense common again!
Please read the fine print of this vax and decide for yourself:
https://www.fda.gov/media/144245/download? fbclid=IwAR1CaTeZDaeXTwZzcJfncaMviDxZ3LAx40thbLQjEWEOILSFFbm80Q6o3Yk
Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta and Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company SELLING THE COVID-19 TEST:
"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspected public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. This is nothing more than a bad flu season. It's politics playing medicine and that's a very dangerous game. There is no action needed...Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence whatsoever they are even effective. It is utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless... The risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000...response is utterly ridiculous."