“my duty to speak out”

“As a GP with more than 50 years experience in treating children and their families, I feel it my duty to speak out against the new vaccine mandates, for three main reasons. The first is that there is no emergency to justify vaccinating children against their parents’ wishes, let alone keeping them out of school if they refuse. The second is that the research cited to prove that vaccines are safe and effective falls far short of the rigorous standards that valid medical science must follow. The third is that the Nuremberg Code and the Helsinki Declaration, both of which we helped write and still profess to abide by, explicitly forbid any medical procedure, treatment, or experiment undertaken without the fully-informed consent of the recipient.
Richard Moskowitz, M. D.

In summary:

• There is no emergency
• Claims that vaccines are safe and effective are deceptive
• The vaccine manufacturers design the safety trials
• There is evidence of harm
• Human rights are under attack
• The politics behind the mandates are upside-down

Quote Source:

when did the {medical} system change?

worth {SO} much more

Who is causing the “outbreaks” again??

There is not a single study proving unvaccinated children are a risk to the immune-compromised. What we do know is that anyone with cancer should NOT be around a recently vaccinated person because they shed live viruses for weeks.

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Mumps vax shedding:

Measles virus sheds for 1-13 days after vaccination:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC228449/ ;
Measles outbreak among the vaccinated:

Varicella transfer after vaccine to pregnant mom:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9255208 ;

Rotavirus vax shedding:

Mumps vax shedding:

Vax Derived Polio Virus transmission:

There’s more where this came from, but you get the idea!


Vaccine-Free Me {book}

A great book to add to your little’s library: Vaccine-Free Me, A Trip to the Doctor.
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Charlie is excited to go to his yearly doctor appointment. That all changes when he sees the doctor walk in with alcohol pads, bandages, vials, and syringes. Can he keep his cool and explain to the doctor why he will NOT be getting vaccinated? This rhyming book is a great opportunity to teach and talk about the concerns of vaccines.

auto{immune} disorders

There is an ongoing survey in Germany that compares the long term health of 17,641 vaccinated children with that of 15,320 unvaccinated children.

The survey shows that vaccinated children are:
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Twice as likely to have allergies
7 times more likely to have asthma/chronic bronchitis
3 and half times more likely to have hayfever
3.8 times more likely to have Hyperactivity
19 times more likely to have an Autoimmune disorder
10 times as likely to have Skoliosis
11 times as likely to have Epilepsy/Seizures
Twice as likely to have Migranes
And… two and a half times more likely to have Autism.

Survey: http://www.vaccineinjury.info/survey/results-unvaccinated/results-illnesses.html
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There is also a study that backs up the results of the above survey but because it exposed the lie/party line, Big Pharma had it REMOVED. Shocking, no?
Fortunately, a record was made before it was removed so if you don’t trust surveys this is for you: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/vaccinated-study-pulled-internet/
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Finally, we have undeniable proof that the pharmaceutical propaganda of “vaccines are safe” is unequivocally false.
The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion) [in 2002]…
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It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine…

Marcia Angell, author of
The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It

“greater good”

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana
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It is unsettling to see the similarities between the ethics of the Nazis and the ethics being promoted today.
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The Nazis firmly believed the “greater good” was more important than the health and good of the individual. Vaccines are imposed for the “greater good” without consideration of the impact on the individual.
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The Nazi doctors and nurses were not allowed to serve the best interests of their patients; they had no choice but to serve the interests of the state. Vaccination is “one size fits all” and personalized medicine is not permitted.
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The Nazis were of the view that the disabled should be segregated from society and not have the same human rights as other citizens. Replace the word ‘disabled’ with ‘unvaccinated‘ and the parallels are hard to miss.

The propaganda of the Nazis was so effective it convinced an entire nation that “mercy killings” were proper and ethical. The masses today are easily convinced to give up their right to informed consent, give away their right to make medical decisions for their children, and bodily sovereignty.
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Nazi Germany sterilized about 400,000 Germans, “euthanized” 200,000 disabled children and adults, and murdered millions in the gas chambers – with the support of the medical profession, doctors, nurses, and midwives.
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It’s time to wake up! We can do better. We MUST do better. Our future depends on us learning from the past.
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Tami {FLU}

I’ve been sitting on this post for a while now, let’s give it a go…
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Let’s talk Tamiflu. Have you ever taken it? Know someone who has? It MAY shorten the duration of symptoms for a few hours… But at what cost? Do you believe patients are TRULY INFORMED before they leave with a prescription? Let’s read…
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BLACK BOX WARNING: People, especially children, can develop nervous system problems and abnormal behavior that can lead to death.
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Very limited studies have been done to show Tamiflu is safe for children. The few studies that have been done were established on a SINGLE dose, not the ENTIRE dosage.
The package insert states: “Safety and efficacy of TAMIFLU for treatment of influenza in pediatric patients less than 2 weeks of age have not been established. Safety and efficacy of TAMIFLU for prophylaxis of influenza have not been established for pediatric patients less than 1 year of age.” YET… parents have been encouraged to administer it to their babies.
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Severe allergic reactions to Tamiflu include: anaphylaxis and serious skin reactions including toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson Syndrom, and erythema multiforme.
Other adverse reactions from Tamiflu, per the package insert from the FDA website include: Serious skin and hypersensitivity reactions, Neuropsychiatric, rhinorrhea, dyspepsia, upper respiratory tract infections, epistaxis, ear disorder, conjunctivitis, Pneumonia.

People who have completed Tamiflu have reported:
Whole body: swelling of the face or tongue, allergy, anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, hypothermia
Dermatologic: Rash, dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, erythema multiforme.
Digestive: Hepatitis, liver function tests abnormal
Cardiac: Arrhythmia
Gastrointestinal disorders: Gastrointestinal bleeding, hemorrhagic colitis
Neurologic: Seizure
Metabolic: Aggravation of diabetes
Psychiatric: Abnormal behavior, delirium, including symptoms such as hallucinations, agitation, anxiety, altered level of consciousness, confusion, nightmares, delusions.
Japanese health authorities started investigations of Tamiflu after eighteen juvenile fatalities linked to the drug occurred in seventeen months.
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After reading the small print, can you confidently claim that it’s worth the risk just to POSSIBLY shave off a few hours of discomfort?
