“greater good”

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana
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It is unsettling to see the similarities between the ethics of the Nazis and the ethics being promoted today.
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The Nazis firmly believed the “greater good” was more important than the health and good of the individual. Vaccines are imposed for the “greater good” without consideration of the impact on the individual.
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The Nazi doctors and nurses were not allowed to serve the best interests of their patients; they had no choice but to serve the interests of the state. Vaccination is “one size fits all” and personalized medicine is not permitted.
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The Nazis were of the view that the disabled should be segregated from society and not have the same human rights as other citizens. Replace the word ‘disabled’ with ‘unvaccinated‘ and the parallels are hard to miss.

The propaganda of the Nazis was so effective it convinced an entire nation that “mercy killings” were proper and ethical. The masses today are easily convinced to give up their right to informed consent, give away their right to make medical decisions for their children, and bodily sovereignty.
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Nazi Germany sterilized about 400,000 Germans, “euthanized” 200,000 disabled children and adults, and murdered millions in the gas chambers – with the support of the medical profession, doctors, nurses, and midwives.
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It’s time to wake up! We can do better. We MUST do better. Our future depends on us learning from the past.
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