Is your church encouraging vaccines?

The Gospel Coalition works hard to sell this agenda, encouraging the church to get vaxs (Hello, Joe Carter. And a few other contributors).

We now have these “gems” by other authors:

Many Christians have been so passionate about the “wear a mask as a means to love your neighbor” narrative, while passing out hand sanitizer at church doors, that the bigger picture is missed entirely. Church, what are we doing?  Are we really so deceived by this agenda that we are willing to forfeit freedom? It’s a slippery slope… one that will have us in hot water for sharing the gospel if we don’t wake up.

The truth of the gospel is being TARGETED, yes. But also crumbling from withIN, as we witness more self-proclaimed Christians compromise truth for culture. Is it that we CAN’T see it? Or that we WON’T see it? Oh that we would guard our hearts and pray for wise discernment.


Dear Church…

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

What is preached within your church community? Are you being asked to water down the gospel message to make room for this world’s noise? Oh, how I long for a body of believers with wise discernment… How about you?

2 thoughts on “Is your church encouraging vaccines?

  1. Yes! We changed churches mid-Covid and still deal with compromise. I think we are cut from the same cloth. 😊

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