In honor of Vaccine Injury Awareness, read what Jer Gau had to say…“I’m angry, I’m terrified, I’m sick of the pain, I want to be me again and most of all I want to be dad to my kids again.
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TDAP did this to me. The pamphlet they gave me didn’t say anything about the severe continuous pain, muscle spasms, hearing loss, loss of feeling to my penis and bladder. It didn’t say anything about me spending the vast majority of the past two months in hospitals. Hospitals that don’t know what is happening. Hospitals where I’ve read more research on my condition than the physicians that are treating. I wasn’t told about the three rounds of high dose steroids, the 7 plasmapheresis treatments, the 7 MRIs, 5 lumbar punctures, 2 CT, 3 X-ray, 5 EKGs, and hundreds of blood Labs. I wasn’t told that I was going to be out of work for months and the government would stop paying my salary after I just moved my family across the country for this position. It didn’t say that I would have brain stem and spinal cord damage that has severely impact processing. It didn’t tell me that I wouldn’t be able to sleep because of the pain that I’m in 24/7.
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People love to throw terms around. Anti and pro vax are hot topics. What people don’t realize is that many people that are questioning vaccines have had something like this happen to them or someone they know. We aren’t anti-vaccine, we’re pro science and the advancement of science to ensure that things are safe. I don’t care which side you’re on, let’s talk to each other respectfully. Pro vaccine individuals are often surprised after I provide valid research and/or, lack there of, in regards to vaccines. We as a country need to question everything that impacts us. Learn to think for yourself. Read, read some more then read more.
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Please, if you’ve made it this far, thank you. I went from the top of the world happy to the hardest two months of my life from a jab in my arm. This isn’t easy. I miss being me. No one should go through this.” ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀“Tetanus vaccine is probably one of the most ridiculous vaccines ever. Your chance of getting tetanus are about the same as walking outta here and getting hit by a meteor. If you get a cut or puncture wound and you put peroxide on it, your chances of getting tetanus are zero because tetanus organism is anaerobic. It cannot live in oxygen. Tetanus comes from the bowels of animals. As long as you don’t have a sheep or a cow in your house, I don’t think you’re in any danger.” – Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD
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Jer Gau (public) Facebook post