“I’m telling people to treat their vaccinated and vaccine-injured friends and family as though they are in hospice. Yes, miracles can happen in hospice, and maybe they’ll be lucky, but the covid shot is a ticking timebomb.” -Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
If we can convince others that big government does not care, and pHARMa is in the business of wealth, not health (not to be confused with urgent, lifesaving care), and the “church” doesn’t hold our best interest… all other dominoes of cognitive dissonance fall more readily.
Contrary to popular belief, there are no “FDA-approved” COVID-19 vaccines. The FDA allowed the distribution and use of Moderna’s “experimental” mRNA-1273 vaccine and Pfizer/BioNTech’s “experimental” BNT162b2 vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). This means that, if you decide to get one of these two vaccines, you are agreeing to be part of a human medical experiment.
Rona vax injury reports –>> Search Results from the VAERS Database
Schools close due to reactions:
Sandy Creek schools closed Thursday due to staffer side effects from 2nd COVID-19 vaccine shot
Northeast Ohio school district cancels class over COVID-19 vaccine reactions
Central NY school district closes after many staff sick with side effects from Covid vaccine
Vaccine reactions close Ithaca, Alma schools
and COUNTLESS other reactions not mentioned here. Sigh. All based off of what? An unreliable PCR test that was never meant to be used for a corona virus. Amazing how case numbers change with a little adjustment to the “test”.