I should be planting, but instead I’m melting snow to flush toilets. I’ll take “Things I never thought I would say in south Texas,” Alex. Call me a conspiracy theorist, if you must. I prefer critical thinker. But this is not normal. Southern homes were not built to withstand such frigid temps.

In no particular order, here are a few things that make me go – hmmm… This doesn’t spell everything out, but is simply a launching pad for you to continue your own research, if interested.

Mike Morales: https://youtu.be/cfkzt5EZCWQ
Some say this cannot be possible and that government would never cause such destruction. To this I say…
- You must be new here.
- We can NOT claim to be aware of a bigger agenda, yet downplay such large-scale destruction… especially when the technology exists (Research: Operation Popeye, HAARP, Weather Modification, chem trails — I’ve shared extra spraying in IG stories recently. Saved in “look up” highlight. Mr. Gates is not new to this topic.)

I don’t believe this is a grand unveiling of agenda – simply a piece of the puzzle. Making vulnerable people more vulnerable — to become more dependent on assistance, a new system… or both.

But why?? For starters, this crisis causes our food supply to be even more vulnerable (Ice Age Farmer: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jIzcTzKPOws2/). This is not new, but I’m guessing Rona will continue to get some of the credit as groceries become thinner. And Gates continues to push his fake beef and gmo vegetation.
This is not to feed fear, but another reminder of the need to prepare our families better… growing less dependent on government.

Dark winter? Maybe. I mean, Joe Biden mentioned it a time or 10 during the debates. Klaus Schwab predicted it. So how does that make ME the conspiracy theorist?

p.s. Don’t get too distracted with “black melting snow.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/nbc25news.com/amp/news/local/burning-snow-what-is-really-happening