{N}ew {W}orld {O}rder

Have you started researching the REAL agenda yet? If not… now would be a good time.
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Bill H.R. 6666, mandated vaccines, microchips, and 5G are designed for surveillance + artificial intelligence to track us AT ALL TIMES. On May 12, 2020 Dr. Fauci even says “There is no guarantee that a COVID-19 vaccine will be effective.” Do you understand what is happening here….they are telling us that there is no guarantee but we still need to take it? Can you see how this does not make sense?
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Follow: Robert Kennedy Jr., The Highwire with Del Bigtree, Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny, Dr. Rashid Buttar, London Real… who are exposing lies with REAL SCIENCE and leading movements to stop Gates & big pHARMa.

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They want us scared and divided. They don’t want us powerful and we are powerful when we are empowered with knowledge and we work together with love and respect.

For an introduction with links, READ THIS source: https://www.gracevanberkum.com/post/we-are-being-played-please-read


{just} a mask

{With}in 4 months, many countries transformed into obedient socialist collectives. Government dictated what events are acceptable to attend. Violent protests that instill fear are OK but church services, family funerals and patriotic celebrations are dangerous. And many bought it without a fight.
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Standing in a graduation line is a “safety hazard.” Small businesses were forced to close, but crowds to support the corporate money machine at Wal-Mart, Lowes and Home Depot are OK.
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Come on. It’s “just a mask” & “safety precautions.” How about a little hush money. Here’s $2,400 that we stole out of your pay check in the first place. Enjoy. Buy something with it. From a big corporation.
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Cash is dirty. We can’t give change. There’s a coin shortage. Use your card. In 4 months, they convinced you to use a traceable card for everything.
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In less than 4 months, government closed public schools then “restructured” education under the guise of “public safety.” In less than 4 months, our government demonstrated how easily people assimilate to “guidelines” that have NO scientific premise whatsoever when you are fearful.
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In less than 4 months, our governments successfully instilled fear in a majority of the population that allows them to control every aspect of our lives. Including what you eat, where you go, who you see and your toilet paper.
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And the most dangerous and terrifying part? People are NOT afraid of the government who removed their freedom. They’re afraid of their neighbors, family and friends.
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And they hate those who won’t comply.
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It’s absolutely terrifying to me that so many people don’t question “authority.” They are willing to surrender their critical thinking skills and independence. They just gave up without thinking. Without a fight.
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Do you know what’s coming next?
“It’s just a vaccine. Come on. It’s for the greater good”.
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Wait until you’re told that you can’t enter any store or business without proof of the Covid-19 vaccine. Wait until you can’t go to public events or get on a plane without proof of receiving the vaccine. Will the sickness from the shot be categorized as covid?

To everyone that doesn’t believe this is possible – DO YOU UNDERSTAND that government successfully dictated to people WHEN they were allowed to be outside, where they were allowed to go, and how their children would be educated in less than 4 months? And that a majority of the population followed blindly, because they were told to do so.
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You’re kidding yourself if you think this behavior won’t be repeated with a vaccine.
Or whatever the next step is.
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I don’t follow politics. Who cares about that stuff? I don’t like to think about it. — They got you.
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Without a thought.  Without a fight.  Just like France.  Just like Russia. Just like China.  Welcome, comrade.
–Author Unknown

…it’s not about your health

As America Awakens… When the State tells you it’s safe to go to The Home Depot to buy a sponge but it’s too dangerous to go to a florist and buy flowers—it’s not about your health.
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When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee—it’s not about your health.
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When the State bans dentists because it’s unsafe, but deems abortion visits safe—it’s not about your health.
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When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it’s too dangerous, but allows in-person lottery ticket sales—it’s not about your health.
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When the State tells you it’s too dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motorboat alone, but the Governor can get his stage make up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week—it’s not about your health.
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When the state puts you IN a jail cell for walking in a park with your child because it’s too dangerous but lets criminals OUT of jail cells for their health—it’s not about YOUR health!
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When the state tells you it’s too dangerous to get treated by a doctor of chiropractic or physical therapy treatments yet deems a liquor store and pot stores essential—it’s not about your health!
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When the State lets you go to the grocery store or hardware store but is demanding mail-in voting, IT’S NOT ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.
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These reasons and so many more…
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Source: a friend