military vax mandate resources

First of all, thank you for your service! I am so sorry you have to fight freedom of body autonomy — on top of war on the battlefield (another rabbit hole on its own). I digress. When it comes to vaxs, this is what I have gathered…

So far (but we all know this is a slippery slope), they are not mandating the rona vax for military.  Each branch has their own policy, so I am unable to give a blanket “yes or no” answer on “mandatory vaxs” but here are a few resources to help you navigate and/or connect with others…

Children’s Health Defense:

Religious Accommodation Guide:


Facebook Group:   Military Vaccination Support
(use code words/symbols to help avoid censorship)

And, if nothing else, one dear follower suggested…

Make friends with the shot-giver. An army friend avoided the flu shot because they would lie for him.”

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