vaccines are great at one thing – causing disease


I’ve heard that a time or two from charismatic, yet uninformed, pro-vaxxers before.
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Prior to the U.S. taking over in 1905, case mortality from smallpox was about 10%. Following the genocidal vaccination program enforced by the US Government, an epidemic occurred where the case mortality ranged from 25% to 50% in different parts of the islands.
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In 1918-1919 with over 95% of the Philippine population vaccinated, the worst epidemic in their history occurred, resulting in a case mortality of 65% – between 60,855 to 63,434 “recorded” deaths. The highest % occurred in the capital of Manila, the most thoroughly vaccinated place. The lowest % occurred in Mindanao, the least vaccinated place.
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How many were killed by the vaccine in other ways, besides smallpox? Vaccines have various ways of killing — even much later in life, since poisoning the blood has long-term consequences. Indeed, the smallpox vaccine was known to cause various illnesses.
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“The statistics of the Philippine Health Service show that there has been a steady increase in recent years in cases of preventable diseases, especially typhoid, malaria, and tuberculosis.” – General Leonard Wood, 1921 Report of the Special Mission on Investigation to the Philippine Islands
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The use of the smallpox vaccine in the Philippines is one of many examples of the tragic failure of the vaccine to live up to its hype — it was NOT the savior. Apparently, vaccines are not so efficacious at preventing death and disease — but they are very efficacious in causing them.


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Also, remember that time India kicked the Gates Foundation out of their country for injuring their population? (previous post: 9.27.19)

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