Cognitive dissonance. If you’ve tried to warn family and friends of the dangers of vaccination, I’m sure you’ve experienced the backlash of their reaction. It can be hurtful and downright heartbreaking. Marcella Piper-Terry, an independent researcher, ties this up nicely. Read to the end…
You know how when you first start sharing information about vaccines and friends start unfriending you? Especially if those friends are nurses, or otherwise in “the healthcare field?”
Here’s what I think is happening…
The more information is shared, the more people are waking up and refusing to harm their children just because those we have been taught to “obey without question” say so.
It’s like the military. You don’t go against orders, no matter what it is that you are ordered to do.
In every war, there have been horrific atrocities perpetuated against the innocent. In those situations, it is often later revealed that the soldiers who committed the atrocities were “acting on direct orders” from a superior; someone they have been taught to “obey without question.”
In wartime situations, those who commit the atrocities are often the ones who are the most defensive of what they have done, and when someone (particularly another soldier) stands up and refuses to follow orders because what is being ordered goes against their moral and ethical codes, that person is labeled a “traitor.” I believe the reason the person who stands up is so vehemently attacked is NOT because those who followed orders believe he or she is wrong. It’s the opposite.
When soldiers blindly follow orders that go against their moral and ethical code (conscience, intuition, etc.), there is a deep knowledge that what they have done is wrong. They attempt to assuage their guilt by telling themselves (and the system supports this), “I had no choice. It was a direct order.”
When a soldier demonstrates that there IS A CHOICE, and it IS POSSIBLE to follow one’s moral compass when what one is being ordered to do is wrong, it shakes the foundation and removes the excuse for those who have simply “followed orders.”
As a soldier who is demonstrating to the world that you will not follow orders, and that you will stand up for what is right, you demonstrate not only your strength; you also demonstrate the cowardice of those who are too afraid to go against the status quo, and those who have already followed orders and are too afraid to consider that they may have contributed to the harming of their own innocent children.
The shift is happening. The truth is coming out. There is a lot of enlightenment that is occurring very rapidly, and there are going to be a LOT of people who will be seeking our help, and looking to us to share what we have learned.
A lot of people will also be going through the most painful revelations they could ever imagine, and as they grieve, they will go through the anger stage before they get to acceptance and finally, hopefully, be able to forgive themselves.